Passeport pour la Francophonie – Creative approaches to learning French

Passeport pour la Francophonie – A voyage of discovery through the French speaking world

This new website focuses on French-speaking countries around the world. Angus, from Scotland invites you to join him on a journey as he travels to member courties of the Oranisation Internationale de la Francophonie and meets new friends.

Aude from France, Assouan from Egypt, Nyanga from Gabon, Menembe from Madagascar and Takakoto from Polynesia describe their daily lives, as well as the history and geography of the countries.

The website includes:

  • Information for primary practitioners about  teaching language skills and developing learners’ cultural awareness through interdisciplinary learning.
  • Activities and resources for supporting interconnected teaching of languages.
  • The European Language Portfolio provides pupils with a record of their achievements and progress in languages.

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