New resources for 5 -7 year olds

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This 8 minute animation introduces Lee & Kim, a brother and sister navigating the online world with the help of their trusted superhero friend SID! With his super powers, SID shows them how to keep themselves safe while having fun online. Based around 4 simple tips for children to remember and a song, the cartoon aims to teach children how to protect themselves and others around them. As well as addressing grooming, the animation also focuses on digital citizenship highlighting the importance of treating each other well and behaving responsibly not only in the playground, but also online.

This cartoon is designed to be played in either Assembly or Circle Time with an introductory and follow-up discussion based on our downloadable activity sheets. The resource is primarily aimed at Key Stage 1 but parts of it would be suitable for Year 3 in Key Stage 2. We have also included several activities for reception children in the Foundation Stage. These core activities are primarily designed to fulfill elements of the PSHE, Citizenship and ICT curriculum.

As well as these core activities we also have a number of follow up activities available for download all designed to link into different parts of the curriculum, including Art & Design, Music, Maths and Physical Education.

All of the activities are supported by additional materials such as masks, a board game and song sheets.