Category Archives: Health and Wellbeing

St Bride’s and Bothwell Primary shared garden

Have a look at the blog from St Bride’s and Bothwell Primaries who are worked on a shared garden project.  Lots of inspiring work resulting in St Brides earning their

The school achieved their third Eco flag yesterday with involvement from the Eco/FFT team.   The assessor commented on how merging the two groups into one group was a great idea and how they compliment each other so well as their work overlaps in so many ways.   Their Food for Thought involvement helped their Eco group its third flag.

Food For Thought at Biggar High School

22 January 2014: SBC Programme Coordinator Vivian Maeda was at Biggar High School in South Lanarkshire on Monday to facilitate a food packaging workshop in conjunction with ESC Packaging and Parkers Packaging. The workshop is part of the Scottish Government’s Food For Thought programme which aims to

improve food education in schools across Scotland by running a variety of engaging and creative projects. Scottish Business in the Community’s role in this programme is to help schools find volunteers from businesses to enhance pupils’ learning and experience.

At the workshop, Carri Walker (ESC Packaging) and Michelle Nugent (Parkers Packaging) explained to pupils what was involved in designing a new ready meal packaging for the local butcher ‘Damn Delicious’. After learning more from the experts in the field, the children will attempt to design their own packaging for the ready meal and will be assessed on a variety of criteria including creativity, feasibility and costs including production and marketing. The winners will be announced in mid-February 2014.

A hugely successful and stimulating event, Carri and Michelle also addressed the importance of understanding a client’s brief, the colour psychology used in targeting specific customers as well as issues of branding. Finally, the importance of including the nutritional value, weight, logos and dietary information warnings was addressed.

This is just one of many creative applications of Food for Thought within schools. Working with local businesses provides a practical and multidisciplinary angle to food education. From a school “bake-off” with professional chefs judging, to a school running its own Farmers’ Market with local businesses, to a mock “Dragons’ Den” within the school where managers and chefs from different companies judge the feasibility of a mock range of healthy snacks – the applications are diverse.

If your business is interested in being involved in our Food For Thought programme then please e-mail Vivian Maeda or call 0131 451 1113.

Yell Aquaculture – working with NHS Shetland

Nicola Balfour from NHS Shetland’s  Health Promotion Unit has been to talk to children from both schools about the importance of fish and shellfish as part of a healthy diet. She reminded us about the ” Healthy Plate” and then talked to us about how fish can help the different parts of our body. We learned about how much eating oily fish can help our brains, our eyes and our joints. She also told us that fish has collagen in it so we should eat fish and not need expensive face creams!

Nicola left us with some great healthy eating recipe books to take home and share with our families.

Growing Global Food Citizens

A 5-day exploration of sustainable food in Scotland – Click here to see the fantastic programme the cluster will experience – growingglobalfoodcitizens
Growing Global Food Citizens is a 5-day continuing professional development course for teachers.
Edinburgh City Council and Eco-Schools Scotland, together with Whitmuir Organics and six Edinburgh primary schools – Craigour Park, Carrick Knowe, St John’s, Davidson Mains, Gracemount and Murrayburn – successfully submitted a collaborative bid to the Food for Thought Education Fund 2013-14.
The Food for Thought funding award enables:
• Eco-Schools Scotland to facilitate the development of a professional learning community to share good practice and collaborative learning.
• Whitmuir Organics, a working organic farm with on-site butchery, kitchen, restaurant and shop, to design, write and deliver a 5-day course to 12 teachers (2 from each school) to increase their knowledge and confidence in identifying and understanding sustainable food systems.
• Each of the 6 schools to undertake practical projects in their own schools.
The first 5-day course is scheduled to run on: 12 November and 3 December 2013, 14 January, 11 February and 18 March 2014.
Whitmuir Organics
EH46 7BB
01968 661908