Reeltime Music – The Young Sound

Expected outcomes:

  • Young people , who would not normally participate or who are considered to be vulnerable or at risk of offending, are engaged in positive activities
  • Young people build their confidence and self-esteem, and develop positive behaviours
  • Young people develop confidence in their skills and develop aspirations for further learning and development.
  • Young people progress into further learning, training and personal development opportunities

Project Description

The Young Sound is a project which provides opportunities for young people to participate in informal music making activities.

Research with young people who had attended Reeltime identified that most of the young people had attended as part of structured short term projects (usually less than 12 weeks).

Young people identified that they wanted longer term engagement with the project and the opportunity to develop their skills and interests.

Reeltime has developed a project which allows for longer term engagement, but in a structured programme which supports learning and progressions. Reeltime has matchfunded Cashback funding with Young Start funding (Big Lottery) and a contribution from UK Steel Enterprise.

The project has three distinct stages

Level 1 – This is a six week programme. Young people get the opportunity to try out different elements of music making/production and find out what they are interested in. Young people must be able to demonstrate a commitment to   the project in order to progress to the next level.

Level 2 – this is nine month period of skills development. Young people get the opportunity to develop their skills in music making, and also music production. Although the format is ‘informal’ young people participate in projects with outputs (for example a radio production, a specific performance) and  specific learning outcomes. The format splits time between ‘learning’ and ‘creating’ and young people are encouraged to take responsibility for the production of their own work and also to work towards performance.

Level 3 – Level 3 is a period of building skills but also about giving back. Young people volunteer in a variety of roles in Reeltime – acting as volunteer workshop assistants, assisting in the studio and in admin roles. They also commit to involvement in a community band which performs at community events in North Lanarkshire. Young people are supported by a volunteer co-ordinator  their progression nd development.

While Reeltime is a music project, the methodology is a youthwork methodology. The focus is in building skills and confidence through music. Young people are rewarded on the basis of their commitment to their personal development (and to the project) – they are not rewarded on the basis of their musical skills.


Young people, who would not normally participate or who are considered to be vulnerable or at risk of offending, are engaged in positive activities

Reeltime has a good network of referral agencies who refer young people who are vulnerable or at risk. Young people access the project through referrals from schools, the Learning Hubs, Social Work and other voluntary sector organisations. Young people can also self- refer.

Young people build their confidence and self-esteem, and develop positive behaviours

B was referred by her social worker. She sustained her engagement at level 1 and has recently ‘progressed’ onto level 2.

“It’s really brilliant here. You can just be yourself. It’s really creative. I’m learning so much – I’m doing guitar and bass. It’s like a school only its brilliant”

Young people develop confidence in their skills and develop aspirations for further learning and development.

A is 17. She had always loved music, and although she has had no formal lessons, had taught herself guitar, bass and drums. However, she had never performed and only ever played on her own at home.

She dropped out of school and first found out about Reeltime through  the Hub (which provides learning opportunities for 16-19 year olds who are NEET in North Lanarkshire).

She attended Reeltime through a Princes Trust course, but dropped out of the programme due to personal problems.

However, she was keen to maintain contact with Reeltime and  asked to come back as part of the Young Sound Project.

She successfully completed stage 1, and is now a stage 2 participant. She has performed with the Young Sound – the first time she has ever performed in public.

Initially , she was only interested in performance, but as a result of attending Reeltime has become interested in music recording and production, and has recently been accepted for a college course in music production.

“ Being at Reeltime hasn’t just helped me get into college, it’s literally changed my life.

I got a reference from Reeltime and I had videos and cds that I could show at my interview. I’m also a lot more confident – not just in my music – now I’ve got confidence to speak to people ad to perform”.

“My mum was really worried when I dropped out of school, but now she’s really proud of me getting into college”

“This time last year, I was sitting on my own in my room – I didn’t have any friends. I’ve met people here that I can talk to about music and exchange ideas.  Since I’ve been here I’ve learned so much new stuff, I’ve performed and I’ve got into college. It has literally changed my life.”

Young people develop confidence in their skills and develop aspirations for further learning and development.

Reeltime’s structured programme offers opportunities for learning and development. Young people who progress into level 3 with Reeltime volunteer as assistant tutors, in the studio and in the administration of the organisation. They also participate in the community band, which performs free at community events. Young people work towards Saltire Awards to recognise their volunteering input.

M dropped out of school, had very low confidence and was socially isolated.

She came into contact with Reeltime when she was attending the Hub (which provides learning opportunities for 16-19 year olds who are NEET in north Lanarkshire) and although she didn’t have much experience in music, she enjoyed participating in Reeltime, and developed some confidence and some an interest in music making..

Through her involvement in the Hub, she was successful in finding a job, but continued her involvement in music making through another project in a voluntary capacity and as a result, re-engaged with Reeltime.

After participating  in Reeltime for a second time, and further building her confidence and her music skills, M then started volunteering with Reeltime .

She has been supported to develop her skills as a volunteer and now acts as a volunteer tutor to younger participants and also provides volunteer admin support to the organisation. She also plays in the community band. She also has another band in which she plays.

As a result of working directly with young people in her volunteer capacity, M has decided to she wants to be a youth Worker and has applied for college to study for a youth work qualification.

“Being at Reeltime has made a huge difference in my confidence. I used to sit at home in my bedroom, night after night. Now I’m never in. I’ve got friends here I’ve learned three instruments, I’ve got a band and I play in the community band. “

Award £24,840 (total project cost £44,740, levered funding 19,900)

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