This project worked with young people and included specifically targeting those at key transitions and in, or at risk of entering the More Choices More Chances category. Through the project young people were introduced to practitioners, higher and further education establishments, potential employers, venues and organisations involved in the Creative Industries.
Young people were provided with information and offered practical experience in various areas of crafts, heritage, design, music, performing, literacy and visual arts. Through workshop programmes and 3 events in June 2009, November 2009 and March 2010 participants developed core and employability skills. Each event and workshop programme engaged young people though activities aimed at introducing young people to a wider range of choices and options.
The project was a developmental process, laying the foundations for a sustained working partnership to support More Choices More Chances.
The project reached and involved:
- 1,216 pupils
- 122 teachers
- 25 arts organisations including colleges and art schools
Additionally there was a Creative Industries Event for teachers providing CPD opportunities.
This project was initiated as a testing ground to develop new relationships, partnerships and offer new opportunities to young people at risk of leaving school with no positive and sustained destination. The programme was designed to provide stepping stones for young people to develop their interests and bridge the gap between school and employment.
It aimed to provide access to information and opportunities with the Creative Industries for pupils and teachers and highten awareness of the cultural workforce and the contribution it makes to the Scottish economy.
Other key aims of the project were:
- to broker new relationships between schools and arts organisations
- to provide pathways into training, further education and employment
A challenge often faced by successful projects is being a victim of its own success.
Practical challenges in organising the events were undertaken by the Creative Links Officer and the Cultural Co-ordinators. Reduced staff resources means that future fairs place a heavy workload on one or two staff. To address this, additional resource has been requested on the basis that the event is linked to the local strategy supporting More Choices More Chances.
Some feedback suggested that the fairs were too busy. Learning from planning and delivering the Creative Industries event, and from participant feedback, recommends:
- more information about being an artist/craft maker
- a concert to promote the music industry
- pupils choosing their own speakers, with a rotation of speakers
- having students present who can speak about the courses they are doing
- the inclusion of a craft exhibition to represent the artist and craft maker sector
- preperation work tasks to be sent to schools in advance
- a 3.30 – 3.30pm slot for teachers to attend
In broadening the scope of 16 plus learning choices for the participating pupils the project made an impact, as can be seen from the following quotes:
“Given me ideas on the numerous career choices rather than the ones we usually associate with.”
“Very helpful, gave me a better idea of what i mgiht want to do after school.”
“Yes, I’m going to attend Cardonald portfolio course.”
“Yes I hadn’t considered media, opens up possibilities for the future…..”
“I do think I feel clearer about what I want to do in the future.”
The project demonstrated the need for more creative opportunities and links into the creative industry market for pupils identified through More Choices More Chances. As a result this programme will now run annually and will support the delivery of the 16 plus learning choices strategy locally.
Future plans are to develop the programme further so that it will become pupil lead, potentially supported through GLOW.
- Schools
- Skills Development Scotland
- Creative and Cultural Skills
- National arts organisations
- Colleges and arts schools
Levels and stages
Third, Fourth and Senior Phase
The project was funded through the Big Lottery Investing in Ideas programme, successfully applied for by the Creative Links Officer
For more information contact:
Esmee Thompson, Creative links Officer on 0141 777 3092 or email Esmee.Thompson@eastdunbarton.gov.uk