part 2 of super mario brothers 2

In the last part of super Mario  brothers 2 french fries and Tfox defeated  roy Iggy and Ludwig. But next we had to go into a …HAUNTED MANSION!      So we stepped inside as the door slowly closed. Tfox turned on the lights.       Once we got upstairs SUDDENLY IT WENT DARK!!!! Me and Tfox were terrified! We looked downstairs and and guess who it was …KING BOO!!!!!      me and Tfox were even more scared now. There were even more boos   but suddenly we got a power star and then we ran downstairs knocking out all the boos and even king boo!


Hi my name is Jim Bob I am away to the park today. I,m away to see my friends Steve,Tiny Tim and Jackpot I had a suprise  for Steve . Steve did not know that Jackpot or Tiny Tim was coming to the picnic as well. I called on Jackpot and Tiny Tim .When Steve came he was shocked to see Jackpot and Tiny Tim Steve gave them a hug. after lunch we found huge footprints going towards the trees and bushes I called over my friends Jackpot ran away and was never found again. we walked away but were found.


One sunny day there was a boy named Jimmy he went to an academy he studied animals . Jimmy s favourite animals are birds,and crocodiles . jimmy loved exploring rivers and lakes trying to find animals. But one day there was none not one but Jimmy saw a big foot print that looked like a alligator with a shoe in the middle of the four funky feet.  The trail just kept on going and going until it stopped and there was a big hole the alligator jumped out his mouth was open away to eat me …

The misterios foot

Unfortunately i woke up to rain on the window but sun in the sky.I got changed and had breakfast then i went to work and sighed”why  cant  just have one day off work”Suddenly my boss came over to me and said that i could have some time of work because i have work so good over the past month.I was delighted to here that speech coming out of my boss!So i rushed out of the door and left my jumper behind, i went to have a picnic at the park wen  was at the park i saw two very big foot pints…


Today was another lovely day I got dressed and had breakfast it was yummy.Then my favorite part of the day came playing with my dog Teddy .He is a pug, Teddy is so cute .We went out for a walk he loved it and so did I . When we got back we wached a movie and add some hot coco . When  it cleared up we went out for a  walk at the golf course and saw these jaint foot prince I SCREAMED so loud!!!!!!! everyone could hear me . My dog nearly ran away . We never came again…

… then suddenly it went very very dark…

One dark and stormy night when it started to rain at the sparkle hotel every one stayed in side but one a girl called Millie. She stayed out side because she saw a person who had a knife who walked in to the sparkle hotel so she ran after him… When Millie got in he had vanished then suddenly it went dark! All the people who worked there was ling on the floor dead. Millie noticed that the man she saw must have killed them when it went dark Millie thought to her self she said to every one to calm down.


On saturday Percy Jackson ,Grover the satyer and Annabeth were traped on Hadess star ship as prisoners but after 5 hours they escaped and landed in England after a while they found big footprints in the ground. they walked for a very very very long time until the found mount olympus were all the gods lived Zeuse,Athena,Pysidon,Heermes and exetra. Once everyone thought Percy had stolen zeuses master bolt “lord zeuse” Annabeth yelled “we found some realy large footprints!” ho ho ho ho it was just Percys father ,Pysidon “im very sorry to make the large footprints.”said Pysindon the end


Hi my name is Joe and one sunny afternoon me and my friend Bob went to the sandy beach.we built sandcastle and we played in the freezing water.It was two o clock so we had to go back for lunch.On the way home we saw two MASSIVE FOOTSTEPS!We both thought someone just dug a hole but then we realized that they where footsteps.We had to take a minute to realize what we just saw.We ran as fast as we could back to me house.We told my Mum what we saw and every thing that happened.We went back…

Godzilla strikes!

It was Saturday, my family decided to go for a walk.We were in a field walking along beside the flowers there were tulips white as snow, roses red as blood,buttercups yellow as butter  and lavender violet as the could be.There were bees buzzing around collecting poling.We walking back we saw something that definitely wasn’t there before. We all stood there in shook “Where could of it of come from?” There was two huge footprints.My dad put his shoe down beside on of the footprints and my dad has MASSIF feet. When we were thinking of calling the police we heard a screech so we ran, it was Godzilla.


Hi my name is Bob and one sunny afternoon me and my friend Joe went to the sandy beach. we built sandcastles and we played in the freezing water we left at 2 o clock and now it is 3 o clock so i said to Joe we better head home. he said ok but…on the way home we saw two massive… we both looked at each other i said it lookes like like FOOTSTEPS BUT BIG BUT Joe said it could be aliens  it could be big foot i said but then i saw big foot in the forest.