Category Archives: Jackpot


On saturday Percy Jackson ,Grover the satyer and Annabeth were traped on Hadess star ship as prisoners but after 5 hours they escaped and landed in England after a while they found big footprints in the ground. they walked for a very very very long time until the found mount olympus were all the gods lived Zeuse,Athena,Pysidon,Heermes and exetra. Once everyone thought Percy had stolen zeuses master bolt “lord zeuse” Annabeth yelled “we found some realy large footprints!” ho ho ho ho it was just Percys father ,Pysidon “im very sorry to make the large footprints.”said Pysindon the end


We ran away from the mansion past our hotel to the airport we had our passports in our pockets.We got on our flight to Barcelona  in Spain.When we got there we were at the beach.We saw a ferry coming from the UK.We felt something coming unusual We all shouted  at once IIIIITTTT. We all ran for dear life.We said he’s not there.Then someone behind us said REALLY!We all screamed saying runnnnn. We all didn’t run charched at IT and broke his leg he said it’s all over you have won we called the police and they took him.

…as it came rushing towards us we…

24 million years ago in Egypt ,jackpot,Aidz and Aid were looking for  someone called it.we were in our hotel and we all woke up right on 3am .Then someone knocked on the door we opened the door and guess  who was there…IT.He was there!…as it came rushing towards us we…RAN FOR OUR LIFE!!!!We managed to get away.Then It came back he looked more royalty.HE LOOKED LIKE A GOD!I forgot that i had a gun in my bag .I reached in my bag and shot him in one go,and the next day we went home .it was really really really really fun.