Busy week

Although this was the last week of the term P5b have been very busy. We all enjoyed learning outdoors weeding the plant pots , clearing the beds , adding to compost bin and adding more wood and moss to our bug hotel. Furthermore, the children pulled the choking grass away from our young fruit trees. Our photographs show how much everyone enjoyed the experience!

Our theme is Changes when we learn through activities in our Creative Enquiry Room. Some changed a well known story. Others changed bottles into submarines! Plans were made to change things around the school and lastly a few designed new outfits, including a new P.E. Kit. On Thursday afternoon P5 celebrated the end of our Roman topic, sampling some food , eating sitting on the floor as the Romans did. Your children have made a good start to their 1st term in P5

Last week of term in P1c

The children had a fabulous week engaging with all of their learning. The children worked so hard consolidating their numeracy learning through a range of active numeracy activities.

In literacy the children spent lots of time developing their letter formation, recognising initial sounds in words and enjoyed sequencing stories. We ended the week with some ‘have a go writing’. As always the children worked extremely hard to challenge themselves.

This week we finished our ‘Enchanted Forest’ topic. The children had some much fun exploring traditional tales in the playroom and loved learning about trees and why they are so important.

We finished our week with a ‘Ready, Steady, Sing’ workshop from the YMI CREATE team. The children absolutely loved all the singing and dancing.

As always I am incredibly proud of all the progress made this term, and I hope all of the children enjoy a well deserved break. Well done P1c!

New Primary 1 Open Evening – Wednesday 6th November 2024 (6-7pm)

Is your child starting Primary 1 in August 2024? Will they be joining us here at Wallacewell Primary. If so, we would like to invite you to our New Primary 1 Open Evening on Wednesday 6th November 2024 from 6-7pm. This is an opportunity for children and families to take a look around our school and ask any questions that they may have about the transition to Primary School. We look forward to seeing you there.


Primary 2 Learning Showcase

Dear Parents/Carers,

As part of Primary 2’s learning this session the children have organised a learning showcase for their parents and carers. During their showcase you will learn all about Harvest. The children have been working very hard to prepare for their showcase are excited to share their learning with you. This event will take place on Friday the 25th of October at 2pm. The children have also organised a Harvest collection for the day of their showcase. We would like to encourage our guests, if they can, to bring along an item of tinned or dry food for our collection.

We look forward to welcoming you to our school.

Yours Sincerely

Primary 2a and Primary 2b


Mr Milligan & Mr Collins

(Primary 2 Teachers)

Our Values – What They Mean to Us

We are delighted to share our refreshed school values with our school community. Our Pupil Council worked with Miss Jardine this week to design visuals for our values and have outlined what they mean to us through their values posters.


Imagination takes over!

Primary 1a have been using their imagination to explore the Enchanted Forest. They have created toadstools for fairies, heroes hideouts and lairs for villains. They also learned about the importance of trees in sustaining life and the planet and looked at the microscopic world through our bug viewers.

Number Fun!

Primary 1a took their learning outdoors this week to consolidate number recognition, formation and counting. They used things found in nature to demonstrate their counting skills



p5a have been dong great work this week. Working on subtraction strategies in maths and hockey in PE. We have been learning about the Romans and in writing were trying to Persuade men to join the Roman Army., using lots of good persuasive features.

by Zachary Furphy


This week in the class did money and subtraction for maths.
When we did topic we were doing the Roman army and how they lived.
At P.E we did netball on the school pitch because it was a nice day every team played fairly with each other and everyone had a chance to get the ball.
In writing we watched a video about the Roman army for a piece of persuasive writing.
Then we had our paths time a visitor came to speak about the steps of calming down.
We did our Roman topic some people did a timeline,menus and drawing Roman soldiers.
-Lewis & Jaishan