Author Archives: Mrs Mair

Future Me week

Primary 6 have been exploring job opportunities, finding our more about different jobs and what they do as well as what skills are required . We have also looked at routes into different careers.
Through our creative enquiry time this week we have focussed on 4 different jobs , investigated what is involved and had a go ourselves. We also enjoyed the careers Fayre where we got to her from lots of different professionals who shared about their jobs.







This week we have been working on cooperation and resilience. We played games together to help with our learning on percentages in maths. We also worked cooperatively in PE .

Sustainability week

It’s been a busy 1st week back week in p6, where we have been consolidating our learning on sustainability. We were outside building a BUG HOTEL , which was great fun, we used lots of different materials to build it and learned new skills in the process. In class we have been designing our own SUSTAINABLE CITIES, we have shown great teamwork and cooperation and used all our prior knowledge of renewable energy sources as well as our learning on creating a more sustainable future. Finally, we went back outside to take part in a COMMUNITY CLEAN UP event. There was a lot more litter in the surrounding area than we expected, but we quickly got it all cleaned up!

Showcase and Enterprise

Showcase     It has been a busy few weeks for p6. We worked very hard to put on our Showcase, focussing on article 28 and 29 of the UNCRC exploring our right to an education and how eduction should enhance our skills and talents. We focussed on all the skills and talents that we have developed and how we must persevere and never give up, we got to showcase all the things that make us the very best ‘me’ . We enjoyed singing and dancing and presenting our learning.
it was lovely to see the children’s confidence grow!

Enterprise. Then it was time to focus on our enterprise project!   We took part in the Virgin money ‘make £5 grow’ challenge. We had to work in teams to come up with a ‘business’ we decided on an Easter Fayre where we could buy things to make and sell at our stalls. This took a lot of teamwork and cooperation as well as working on our budgeting and marketing skills. The aim was to make a profit and after hosting our very busy Easter Fayre this week, we achieved our goal and after paying back Virgin Money, we made a profit of over £550!  A fantastic achievement after a lot of hard work!


P6 have been learning about fairtrade, focussing on how climate change impacts the farmers and people who reply on agriculture for a living. We also looked at at how everyone in the production chain of our food is paid and the fairness of this.

it has been great to see the children so invested in this and so inquisitive throughout our learning!

Diversity day

P6a have had a very successful day celebrating diversity! We had fantastic discussions, sang songs and wrote our own acrostic poems to share our ideas on diversity. Our teacher was very proud of us! ⭐️

P6a Scots Language week

P6a have been exploring the Scots language this week. We enjoyed listening to the Scots story ‘Neeps and Tatties’ which led to great discussions about friendships and diversity. We used this book to explore some of the Scots language and worked together to work out what some of the words meant.
This week we also looked at some Scottish poetry, but first we had to try and translate the Scottish slang into English! The children each chose a Scottish poem and worked very hard with their partners to learn these for their recital this week! What Superstars speaking Scot’s!