Category Archives: Primary 6a

Maths – speed distance and time.

This week we have been learning about speed, distance and time as part of our measure unit in maths. Trundle wheels and timers helped us have a go. We then used our knowledge of the formula to help us calculate and solve time problems involving ‘speed, distance and time’.

Ball skills…and more.

In PE we have been working on different ball skills. However that’s not all…as each week in PE we also focus on skills such as resilience, determination, communication, teamwork, listening, concentration and problem solving….but in a fun and active way.
The children are working very hard to develop these skills, and having fun!

Creative enquiry

We have been enjoying exploring different jobs and have been working really hard to develop the skills needed for different careers. We have loved learning more about advertising and creating our own adverts with the green screen, there is still some editing to be done! We have also been fashion designers or architects and house builders. The enthusiasm, teamwork and communication has been fab to see, well done p6.


We have been working with the PEPASS team, so far we have been focussing on our throwing and passing skills with different balls and this week we were learning some golf skills. It has been good fun!

Class Newsletters Term 4

Please find below our Class Newsletters for Term 4.

P1a Class Newsletter Term 4

P1b Class Newsletter Term 4

P2.1 Class Newsletter Term 4

P2a Class Newsletter Term 4

P3.2 Class Newsletter Term 4

P3a Class Newsletter Term 4

P3b Class Newsletter Term 4

Primary 4a Class Newsletter Term 4

P4b Class Newsletter Term 4

P5A Class Newsletter Term 4

P5b Class Newsletter Term 4

P6a Class Newsletter Term 4

P6b Class Newsletter Term 4

Primary 7a Curriculum Newsletter Term 4

P7b Class Newsletter



Future Me week

Primary 6 have been exploring job opportunities, finding our more about different jobs and what they do as well as what skills are required . We have also looked at routes into different careers.
Through our creative enquiry time this week we have focussed on 4 different jobs , investigated what is involved and had a go ourselves. We also enjoyed the careers Fayre where we got to her from lots of different professionals who shared about their jobs.







This week we have been working on cooperation and resilience. We played games together to help with our learning on percentages in maths. We also worked cooperatively in PE .