Author Archives: Mrs Potter

Another week in P5b

This week we started the week having a look at some of the countries that take part in the Olympics.  They worked together in small groups to research some facts and create either a poster either on paper or digitally.



We were also up in the Creative Enquiry continuing on with our DYW jobs.  We had some more finished outfits, a completed house and a working windmill.  We also have lots of advertisers busily planning.


In PE we were learning how we can mix Maths and PE with some fun team ball skill activities.

We have also been working on fractions and decimals in maths and writing a descriptive story.  We ended the week with music.  We have been learning about rap music and are now writing our own rap songs.

Air Pollution Event

Last week some of the children attended an Air Pollution event at the City Chambers in Glasgow.  It started with some interesting presentations on the effects of air pollution on us and why it is important we try to take more action to reduce this.  We then got to view displays from other schools showing what they have been doing to try and help improve the air quality in their local communities.

Creativity in P5b

We continued our look at possible career options this week in the creative enquiry room.  Children were able to choose which job they would like and get an insight to what is involved.  We had lots of eager fashion designers who started by creating a mood board, sketching their design and then making their outfit.  We had lots of fantastic results.

Other job options were advertising, builder / architect or environmental scientist.  Most of these are still being worked on but there is lots of working together and problem solving happening and it is great to see their enthusiasm .

We finished our week practising our putting and chipping skills in PE.

P5 Diversity showcase

P5 had a fantastic end to their week performing their showcase based on the UNCRC Article 23 which is all about diversity.   We had singing, dancing and story telling  to help share the message that we all have differences and we should be proud of what makes us unique and special.  We even had some sweets to help show that although we may look different we are all the same in the inside and it is important we treat everyone equally.


It was great to see the result of their hard work.  Watching the children get involved and perform so confidently is a definite highlight as a teacher and we were very proud of them all.

P5b Developing the Young Workforce

It has been another busy week in P5 but we have had fun learning about different jobs we can do.  We were lucky to get a class visit from one of the active school coordinators who told us how he got into his job and the fantastic opportunities he has had with it. They children had lots of great questions to ask him.


We then attended the careers fair where we learned about lots of other jobs and the skills needed for them.

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With so many interesting jobs available these days we will be continuing to have a DYW focus over the next few weeks.

Sustainability Week in P5

Primary 5 had a great start to the new term building bug hotels and learning lots of interesting facts with Donald from Wildside Nature. We even managed to find some sunshine for the occasion.


In class we continued our sustainability theme discussing what we use fossil fuels for, how they are formed why we need to move away from using them.  We then researched what we could do in our homes to live more sustainably.

At the end of the week we took part in the community clean up.  Thankfully we managed to get some dry weather for it.

Upcycling success

We had a great end to Sustainability week displaying all the upcycling projects. There were lots of original designs and we were very impressed with the hard work that had gone in to making them.  It is amazing what you can make out of items that would usually be thrown in the bin. There were piggy banks, a kalidescope, plant pots, rockets, a pinball machine and lots more fantastic ideas.  We even had a moving carousel powered by an old toy.

P5b Final Weeks of Term

In the last few weeks of term we finished off our space topic and revisited looking at electricity.  Using copper coins, zinc washers and a salt/ vinegar solution we were able to build a cell to light a LED light.  We were lucky that most groups were successful and able to get the bulb to light.

We also had a go at building circuits.

As part of our space topic we made some of the star constellations.


Lastly we used the straws to build our own rocket.


One of our aims on our Eco Action plan is to reduce, reuse and recycle.  As part of this the Eco committee have set a challenge over the Easter break for pupils to upcycle some of their rubbish into something useful.  We look forward to seeing what you can make and have fun with this challenge.  Good luck!

P5b Art

This term in art P5B have been focussing on tints, tones and shades. We started by using pencils to try to create different tones on everyday objects and then made our own pattern which we coloured in using different tones. It was really tricky especially with the lighter tones to make them appear different but we ended up with lots of great results.



We then moved on to tints and shades this time we used paints to produce the different colours. 🖌️🎨