Author Archives: Mrs Potter

P5b Final Weeks of Term

In the last few weeks of term we finished off our space topic and revisited looking at electricity.  Using copper coins, zinc washers and a salt/ vinegar solution we were able to build a cell to light a LED light.  We were lucky that most groups were successful and able to get the bulb to light.

We also had a go at building circuits.

As part of our space topic we made some of the star constellations.


Lastly we used the straws to build our own rocket.


One of our aims on our Eco Action plan is to reduce, reuse and recycle.  As part of this the Eco committee have set a challenge over the Easter break for pupils to upcycle some of their rubbish into something useful.  We look forward to seeing what you can make and have fun with this challenge.  Good luck!

P5b Art

This term in art P5B have been focussing on tints, tones and shades. We started by using pencils to try to create different tones on everyday objects and then made our own pattern which we coloured in using different tones. It was really tricky especially with the lighter tones to make them appear different but we ended up with lots of great results.



We then moved on to tints and shades this time we used paints to produce the different colours. 🖌️🎨

Busy week in P5b

Last week we were working on mass in maths.  The children had everyday objects and used their estimation skills to try and weigh out the equivalent weight using sand. Some children were also using the balance scales to try and weigh items and then check their accuracy with good results.

As part of science week we tried to build a raft from a piece of paper to help the brownies safely cross the pond without getting wet.  Lots of different designs tested and the winning raft held 215g.

On Tuesday we had a visit from the road safety team teaching us how to stay safe and practised our football skills with the coaches.

We were also learning about Ramadan, tints and shades in art and braved the rain to do some orienteering.

Busy week in P5b

In P5 we have had a busy week.  In maths we have been working on data handling looking at different ways to read and display data.  We also had our first week with the football coaches who will be with us for a few weeks.


In the creative enquiry some groups performed and filmed their space scripts using the green screen allowing them to add backdrops to make it more realistic.

As well as filming as part of our space topic they are working in groups to make a space poster on one of the planets in our solar system.  

We finished the week with orienteering which was lots of fun.  They all did fantastic so next week we will hopefully challenge further by making the course bigger and more checkpoints.

P5b Science Centre Trip

This week we visited the Science centre to start off our new space topic. We had an amazing time and really enjoyed the hand on exhibits. A definite highlight was a visit to the planetarium where we were given lots of interesting information, got to see what earth looks like from space and looked at the different star constellations.

Christmas time

We have had a fun and busy last week before the end of term. At the start of the week we had our Christmas party with games and dancing.

We also designed and printed Christmas cards, listened to some more presentations, made 2D Shape Santas  pictures and erupted our volcanoes.



Our new Eco Mascot

We would like to introduce Wally our new Wallacewell Eco Mascot who was designed by one of our fabulous P4s.

Our Eco committee ran a whole school competition to find a mascot and received some amazing entries making choosing one really difficult. They eventually narrowed it down to these 6 before all voting on their favourite.


It was a close result but Wally was our winner. I thought it was a great choice of name as not is it connected to the school but he shares his name with Wall-E the earth cleaning robot from the Disney Pixar movie.

P5b Presentations

As we are now at the end of our topic the children have been sharing their knowledge with their classmates.  This term we have been learning how to write information reports, so we started by everyone writing a report on volcanoes. They then researched their own volcano to allow them to add in some extra facts. After discussing how to create a good presentation on the iPad they used their reports to help them do this.  Finally they have been presenting these to the class.  The children have been fantastic at giving their talks and have also been supportive audience members so I’m very proud of them all.



Last week we began making our paper mache volcanoes which we are going to paint and then make them erupt which everyone is very excited about.


We also had a go at being able to create an electrical circuit.  We will be looking at this in detail next term.