Author Archives: Mrs Potter

This week in P3a….

This week in literacy we were learning how to use commas in a list as well as completing tasks related to our reading books.  In maths we moved on to data handling and learned how to display and read data on a bar graph. In our topic work we created a timeline to show the main events of the vikings. We ended our week with some spring art based on the style of the famous artist Romero Britto. Some children have began to paint theirs and they are looking fantastic.

P3a Short Week

It was a short week last week but we still found time to get lots of learning done and have some fun.  We are still working on our recount writing and making sure we are including some details in our writing.  In maths we were using compass points and our angles knowledge to be able to follow directions.  We began learning about where the Viking’s came from and where they invaded. Lastly we had a visit from one of the staff from Golf it and had fun practising our golf skills. ⛳️


Last week we were lucky to get a visit from the Zoolab and met 6 different animals. We learned lots of interesting facts and got to hold or touch some of the animals.

In writing we have continued on with our recount writing which is going well. We have also been working on verb and verb tenses to help with our writing.

In maths we have been comparing angles as well as learning and using compass points.

Lastly we finished our Scottish topic by listening to traditional and modern Scottish music and talked about what we did and didn’t like about it, used the iPads to research Scottish Landmarks and created a timeline of some Scottish inventions.  We are now about to begin our new topic which is ‘The Vikings

P3a Update

P3a began the week creating a collaborative picture of Rabbie Burns which is now on our class door and has been getting lots of positive comments.

In maths we were learning to tell the time on both digital and analogue clocks.  We can now tell o’clock, quarter past and half past times.  We also had a look at identifying am and pm times.

In writing we began recount writing and wrote about our day off due to the storm.  We will continue with recount writing for the next few weeks.

As it was Chinese New Year we learned the story of Nian and about the different traditions that people follow when they celebrate.  We then looked to see what animal we were according to the Chinese calendar and discussed if we shared any of the animals traits.


Welcome back P3a

We had a great start to Term 3 working really hard this week.  In literacy we were recapping our knowledge of identifying and using adjectives.  This will help us improve our setting writing which we will be continuing to work on this term.  In maths we were working on fractions of a shape and understanding what different fractions look like.  We were also calculating the fraction of an amount.  We began our Scotland topic which we will be working on for the next few weeks.  This included naming all the Scottish cities and finding them on a map, doing some Scottish dancing and creating our own Charles Rennie Macintosh pieces of art.

P3a this week

This week we continued on with our descriptive setting writing.  Our topic this week was a winter fair with a colourful Christmas tree.  We discussed the picture as a class and used our senses to come up with lots of ideas to describe the setting.  We then worked on including adjectives to make our writing even more detailed.  In maths we focussed on rounding to the nearest 10 and will continue on with this next week.  As the weather is getting colder we painted some fun snowmen pictures which look fantastic up on the classroom walls.

P3a Update

This week we were focussing on non fiction books in reading.  We discussed the different features of them and how they can help us find the information we need.  We then continued on in writing using our senses to describe a setting.

In maths we were working on our multiplication strategies.  We used arrays and grouping to help us find the answers as well as being able to skip count.  We will continue to practise these to improve our recall.

Our topic just now is Body Systems and that has been our focus in our creative play area,  So far we have named some of the main bones in our bodies,  looked at our major organs and their function and learned how our eye works.

In Art we were using line and tone to draw a detailed eye and also had a go at some optical illusion art.

P3a Update

Last week for Halloween we had began making 3D haunted houses.  They were tricky to make and so took us a little longer than we thought so began this week finishing them.

In maths we continued on with measuring this time using a metre stick and we were also trying to estimate lengths.

We began our block of tennis this week in PE and starting by getting use to holding and controlling a raquet.

Lastly we began our new topic which is the Body Systems.  We made our own skeleton which we will label next week.




Primary 3 have been learning about Fairtrade.  We began by completing a survey to see what we knew and watched a video which explained what Fairtrade was.  We then discussed why it is needed to help the farmers get enough money to look after their families.  We chose the journey of the chocolate to learn about and were interested to find out that it starts as a cocoa bean on a tree thousands of miles away.

P3A Weekly Update

This week we had lots of fun with Halloween themed activities.  During our Active Play sessions we gave all our games a spooky theme.

In literacy we learned how to write an acrostic poem.  We then made our own using the word Halloween and shared these with the rest of the class.  They were all fantastic and most had a very clear theme about getting lots of sweets.


In maths we were learning about measurement.  We used a ruler to accurately measure our broomsticks in cm.  We also continued to practise our adding and subtraction strategies.

On Thursday we had fun with some Halloween themed dancing and even the staff got involved trying to show off our best moves.