Author Archives: Mrs Jodah

What a week!

This has certainly been a very interesting week. On Tuesday primary 5 received their first coaching experience from the Rangers Team. Everyone enjoyed and learned from the experience.  World Book Day on Thursday was a fantastic opportunity to share our thoughts and experiences around reading books 📚.
Although it was a cold day P5 took part in an orienteering lesson outside to learn around coordinates. I think it was a great success and weather permitting we will continue with this next Friday


This week the JRSO members have been very busy, writing a script for a film they are going to make about road safety around our school. At the moment it is all at the planning stage.

Diversity Day

Today primary 5 took part in many activities to celebrate our similarities and differences. The children participated in any discussions and tasks. Here are some photographs of the work that they produced today.

Angles outdoors

P5a were outside measuring angles in the playground. They were looking for acute and obtuse angles in the branches of the trees. They found many acute angles but only a couple of obtuse angles. This was an interesting way to explore mathematics on a Friday morning!

Making a movie! February 2024

Today the JRSO started to make their video about road safety around the school. They have written a script and are embarking on including puppets to help promote the message for children to be careful when crossing the roads near the school.

P5a. February 2024

This week P5a have made great progress with their persuasive writing and our brochures about Scotland are nearly completed. They planned their work integrating topic and language skills to produce a convincing argument to have a holiday in Scotland.
We braved the weather to take our Maths outside to learn about compass points and angles in the environment. Later P5a  were able to transfer their skills into the classroom and measure angles with a protractor.

Mrs. Jodah.

The last week in January

This has been a very productive week in P5a. The visit to the Science Centre was certainly a highlight for us all. Your child had fun and learned in an active environment. We will now build on the experiences and knowledge that we gained from the visit. Our Space topic can now develop to discover more about our Solar System.
As we are learning about angles and compass points we ventured outside for the Maths lessons! It was cold but much more fun than sitting inside for this particular topic.

Mrs. Jodah

January 2024

P5a have settled back into the routines of school. We are learning to write a brochure to persuade  people to take a holiday in Scotland as part of our literacy and topic work this term. So far P5 have each made a plan.                                                                    In number we are rounding numbers to 10,100 or 10000. This week P5 an are starting to learn more about time durations. In the next few days we will venture outside to measure angles! Let’s hope the weather improves.                                                Generally the children have enjoyed finding out about our first IDL topic , Scotland. We will continue to explore this topic and learn more about our Scottish culture.

Mrs. Jodah

A proud moment

I would like to take this opportunity to say how proud I am of everyone in the class for their efforts and hard work this term. In language we have written reports linked to Natural Disasters Then they used the facts as a basis for their personal presentations. Everyone took part and rose to the challenge.

This term the class tackled fractions and money, trying to manage a budget, not easy concepts.
Thank you for the Christmas gifts , I am very grateful.

After this welcome break I will be excited to start teaching your child again in the third term. They are a group of children who like to learn.

Have a wonderful two weeks.

Mrs. Jodah


JRSO update

This term we having been trying to get everyone thinking about wearing clothes that can seen when it is dark outside. Two children in P5a have updated our posters about wearing reflective clothes, Ollie and  Mannat.                                     .

We have been noticing that there are a  lot of cars parked around the school, especially at 3:00pm. This makes it difficult for children to walk home.
We asked Miss Davidson if the car park could be made bigger. She said that was up to the council.

Then we asked Miss Davidson what she thought of the traffic. Miss Davidson thought that the traffic was very bad. We will keep you informed of any new information. Next term we are going to write to the council about the parking problems around Wallacewell Primary School.