Author Archives: Mrs Wightman


I enjoyed working with A.I. this week. Ruaridh R

We wrote descriptions then swapped and others had to draw what we had written then we checked if they were right. We shared them on the big screen and they were all amazing! Everyone is an amazing drawer in our class. Elena-Rose

We compared our pictures to the description and knew if they were similar or needed to be more specific. Sara




I enjoyed making a comic in the playroom this week. Samuel

I’m happy to be back and school and enjoyed seeing everyone again. Cooper L


Another week has flown past in P4b!

My favourite thing so far was learning about the Earth and moon and deciding if the moon landing was Fact or Fiction. I’m still finding out more about it! Elena-Rose

I really ended writing my response to ‘Inside Out’. I like that movie and love making my own words to write about something. I had an abundance of fun! Drew

I’m really enjoying writing in my own words because it is challenging. Sara

I really like the chilli challenges in maths and that there are lots of cool activities to do. Lily

I really liked researching countries. Ya Ya and I chose to find out about Vatican City and it was really interesting to find out that no children are born there because there are zero hospitals and there are only 30 women there. Ruaridh R

I really enjoyed learning the days of the week in French and Rounding to the nearest 1000. Broady


What a busy week we have had!

We got to learn French words. I can count to 10! Charlie

We learned a song that helped us name the continents. Finn

We got to make posters about Non-Fiction books that made people want to read them. Sara

The posters were to persuade them. Charlie

We used collage to make the branches of our wellbeing tree. Alice

We learnt how to say colours in French. Jessica

We did Diacritical Marking to help us sound out ‘ea’ words. Broady

This was my best week in P4! Ruaridh R

We got to chat to visitors about what we have been learning at our Open Door event. Drew

It was my favourite part of the week. Jessica

Mrs McGilp became a gran and we made her cards and posters to welcome the baby!


This week has been the best week in the world. Elena-Rose

Place Value Stations were super-dooper fun! Elena Rose

Using the iPads was fun. Allan

We did partitioning and made pyramid. I challenged myself to partition millions. Ruaridh R

We learned about the phases of the moon. Poppy

We now know about First Quarter, Waxing Crescent, New Moon, Waning Crescent, Third Quarter, Waning Gibbous, Full Moon and Waxing Gibbous are the names for the phases. Rylie

Waxing moons show them getting bigger. Drew

Waning moons show it getting smaller. Finn

Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon. Finn

We came to our own decisions about whether the moon landing was real because some people don’t believe it is. Maisie

We made information posters for Primary 3 to tell them all about the moon. Jessica

We learnt how to say numbers up to 10 in French. I was good at pronouncing the words because my dad can speak French. Lily

We did an Author Study on Dick King-Smith because he wrote our novel, The Hodgeheg. Ya Ya

I think it will be fun to keep reading The Hodgeheg. Nezar

The main character bumped his head and now his words are mixed up which is why it isn’t called The Hedgehog. Cooper S

I think this is going to be the best term the school has ever had. Cooper L

Our First Full Week

What a busy week we have had! There has been lots of learning, investigating and fun! Have a look at our pictures.

This week we have learned about Place Value. We did partitioning and part-part whole. Drew & Cooper S

I liked trying to figure out the parts in the whole number. Drew

I liked that we could break the number down by partitioning. Bella

We looked at Planet Earth and made collage pictures. Bernice

I know that Earth orbits the sun. Ya Ya

It’s the fifth biggest planet. Samuel

It takes 24 hours to spin around on it axis and one year to orbit the sun. Ruaridh R

It’s the third closest planet to the sun. Ruaridh K

We learned some French greetings. Jason

We said Bonjour Madam Wightman and Ca Va which means how are you? Kendall