Here at St Maria Gorreti’s we use a variety of assessment strategies to track your child’s learning and progress. These are aligned with all schools in Glasgow City Council as detailed below.
November 23, 2020
by Mrs Wark
November 23, 2020
by Mrs Wark
Here at St Maria Gorreti’s we use a variety of assessment strategies to track your child’s learning and progress. These are aligned with all schools in Glasgow City Council as detailed below.
November 20, 2020
by Mrs Wark
In St Maria Goretti we have involved pupils in the development of school and class rules. Each teacher develops with the pupils, a list of rules/expectations for the classroom which should be referred to regularly and as necessary. These rules/expectations … Continue reading
November 20, 2020
by Mrs Wark
Within Curriculum for Excellence, the technologies curriculum area relates particularly to contexts that provide scope for developing technological skills, knowledge, understanding and attributes through creative, practical and work-related activities. Learning in the technologies enables children and young people to be … Continue reading
November 20, 2020
by Mrs Wark
Social studies includes experiences and outcomes in historical and geographical, social, political, economic and business contexts. It is important for children and young people to understand the place where they live and the heritage of their family and community. Through … Continue reading
November 20, 2020
by Mrs Wark
Science includes experiences and outcomes in biological, chemical, physical and environmental contexts. The most important goal for science education is to stimulate, nurture and sustain the curiosity, wonder and questioning of children and young people. Young children have a natural … Continue reading
November 20, 2020
by Mrs Wark
Religious and moral education includes learning about Christianity and other world religions, and supports the development of beliefs and values. It also includes aspects of philosophical enquiry. Scotland is now a nation which reflects a wide range of beliefs, values … Continue reading
November 20, 2020
by Mrs Wark
Literacy for All is an evolving framework which aims to build capacity and develop understanding of Literacy as a transformational tool. LfA approaches help to develop consistency across Glasgow’s establishments, raising achievement and engagement through examining what works and how … Continue reading
November 20, 2020
by Mrs Wark
For more information please click the link below. Glasgow Counts Parent Guide General
November 20, 2020
by Mrs Wark
Mathematics includes specific aspects of numeracy which will be developed both in mathematics and through activities in other areas of the curriculum. Putting mathematical knowledge and understanding to constructive use has been one of the decisive factors in shaping societies. … Continue reading
November 20, 2020
by Mrs Wark
Learning a new language encourages children and young people to broaden their horizons as they explore the language and its associated culture. Through learning of a new language pupils: gain a deeper understanding of their first language and appreciate the … Continue reading