St Albert's Primary 6/7 2017

24 reasons to make Mrs Brightman smile!

October 26, 2017
by gw16viggarsshirleyan@glow

Harry Potter – our Hallowe’en topic!

Since the October week, we have started reading extracts from Harry Potter and watching some clips from the film version of Book 1 – Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

Some of us have read the book before, some have watched the film, some both and just a few…neither! Lucky them to be discovering the wizarding world for the first time!

Today with Miss Bull, we took a quiz to be ‘sorted’ into a Hogwarts school house! Here’s the clip from the film we watched!

If you are starting to love all things Harry Potter, did you know there’s a website full of games, facts and much more all dedicated to this fantastic series of novels by J.K. Rowling (yes, Zahraa, J.K. Rowling is a woman!)

October 26, 2017
by gw16viggarsshirleyan@glow

Persuasive writing with Mrs Kheirabi

This week with Mrs Kheirabi we were learning all about persuasive writing and how to write a persuasive letter to our parents or who ever looked after us.

We had to use good punctuation and better describing words also we had to follow instructions.

There was a checklist at the back and when we were writing we kept on looking back and forth.


September 14, 2017
by User deactivated

Outdoor Learning with Miss Bull.

It’s been a busy and very active start to the Autumn term! P6/7 have been learning about how outdoor learning can benefit our health and wellbeing and have been putting it to the test by taking their Maths lessons outdoors!

At the moment we are investigating the properties of quadrilaterals and triangles. The children collected together different natural materials to make the shapes, paying close attention to the measurements of the sides and the angles. In the next session we took to the playground equipped with rulers, tape measures and trundle wheels to measure and work out the total perimeter and surface area of the quadrilaterals and triangles we could see in our outdoor environment!

September 13, 2017
by gw16viggarsshirleyan@glow

Outdoor Learning Week – WEDNESDAY

The Primary 6 children from our class went to visit Whitelee windfarm today. It was a brilliant trip!

We did three activities:

  1. We had a workshop in which we experimented with different blades for a wind turbine. We found that larger blades were more effective and that the more blades we added, the more electricity was produced. Our guide, Aurora, explained that the real turbines have only 3 narrow blades so that they are not too expensive, not too heavy and also so that they look nicer!
  2. We were driven around the huge site (the size of Aberdeen) in the visitor minibus by Andy. He was very knowledgeable but so were we – he was impressed by how much we knew about alternative energy sources. We got out right next to a turbine – it was so enormous!
  3. We went on a walk with Ryan, the Ranger at Whitelee. He told us all about the wildlife that lives on the site: falcons,  deer, adders, hen harriers, short-eared owls, merlin, grouse, shrews, voles, weasels and stoats to name just some of them! He also taught us about sphagnum moss and peat bogs. We played a game to imagine running an energy company and Mimi was an excellent CEO!

September 13, 2017
by gw16viggarsshirleyan@glow

Outdoor Learning Week – MONDAY

Today we started Outdoor Learning Week 2017 at St. Albert’s and the sun was shining!

We have been writing poems inspired by the famous Beatle, John Lennon. We learned that he and the other Beatles were from Liverpool and that John Lennon was a hippy and supported peace. He wrote a song called Imagine which we listened to before we wrote our poems. Here are two examples of our efforts – come back tomorrow to see the videos we’re going to make of our poems.

We also did a Maths in Art lesson today as part of Glasgow Schools Maths Week. We looked for shapes in Islamic patterns and found we could name even those shapes that were unfamiliar-looking.


In the afternoon, we made a percussion orchestra with a triangles section, a bells section, a cymbals section and a ‘basket guiro’ section. We read the rhythms we’ve been getting used to over the past two weeks and played together keeping in time with the conductor.


September 8, 2017
by gw16viggarsshirleyan@glow


This Friday we have been cooking!


  • eggs
  • cheese
  • tomatoes
  • herbs
  • butter for greasing



  1. Beat the eggs well
  2. Add a sprinkle of herbs or salt and pepper
  3. Chop up the tomatoes and put these in the bottom of some muffin tin moulds
  4. Pour over the egg mixture
  5. Grate the cheese and sprinkle on top
  6. Cook in the oven at 180 degrees for about 25 minutes until fluffy and brown





September 3, 2017
by gw16viggarsshirleyan@glow

Rock against Racism – Unity Festival 2017

Our P7s went along to the Unity Festival in Queen’s Park last Friday (25th August). We were really lucky to have a music workshop with the Head of Music from Clyde College and some brilliant entertainment from a local singer-songwriter whilst we ate our packed lunches!

It was a bit of a long walk but that’s ok – good exercise!

We also were shown very old video footage of Glasgow’s history which was interesting.

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