Stories and Technology

Hello 🙂

It is digital learning week this week in St Albert’s and we have been working hard with all things technical and otherwise.

Plus, the sun has been shining all week so we have spent most of our time outside!

We started the week off with a maths lesson in the back playground. We can now identify fractions within shapes and match them with equivalent fractions.

We have also been working towards our social enterprise of publishing a book of short stories. To do this we will have to raise some money. We brain stormed some different ideas of how to do this.

“We would love to throw cream pie’s at the teacher’s faces for £1 each!”- Ahsan

“We thought of holding a pupil auction where teachers can charge money for us to do jobs”- Rayan.

“We would like run some stalls.”-Neha

As part of our social enterprise we worked with Primary 1/2 twice this week.

On Wednesday we went into the front garden next to the infant playground and wrote stories about the cool tadpoles in Miss Kinloch’s class that are turning into frogs.

Then on Thursday morning we collected all of our stories with our partner and decided which one was the best. We used our digital skills to type up these stories using an I-pad and air dropped the final products to Miss Kinloch.

We had another amazing session with Ben and Sarah our storytellers.

They took us to the enchanted garden and played some games. We showed Ben and Sarah our personalised story bags and we all became dragons searching for humans.

After that, we sat round the fire pit and Ben showed us different objects from inside his story bag.

He had a metal shoe, a stinky sock, a  golden goose, a bird whistle, a badger skull, a golden kettle, a cow bell, a pocket watch, a glass bottle, a pomegranate, a sea shell, a large rock, a burned out photograph and a deer’s antler.

He challenged us to work in pairs and create a story using the object we were given.

Finally we worked as a class and told the story of “Pappa Rappa” the golden seagull by telling the story one sentence at a time and passing the seagull around the circle.

Our homework for Ben next week is to bring something small from home that could tell a story and live inside our own story bags.

Our final adventure from this week was our trip to the Tramway Theatre to learn about all things digital! We went into the main art gallery and we saw a visual exhibit about a statue who has been living for thousands of years and has seen wars, history and all sorts of unhappy things. This makes him feel sad and alone. He talks about his time alone through a variety of different speakers which are located all around the room. Opposite the statue is a projector and a screen where different images were displayed throughout his tales.

This exhibit uses a combination of visual, printing, audio and light technology. The speakers are in different areas such as inside the statue and behind the screen to make you feel as though the sound is surrounding you. The statue itself was made using a 3D printer that uses plastic. A painter then worked on it to make it look as though it was made of stone.

The piece was scary and people even got so frightened that they moved seats to be beside Miss Webster.

After the exhibit was over we went outside to the Tramway’s hidden gardens to enjoy a picnic lunch in the sunshine.

We hope you are all enjoying the sunshine and the start of Ramadan.

Don’t forget to leave a comment!

Allah hafez! 🙂

love Miss Webster and Primary 4/5


Our rainy adventure in Kelburn Country Park

Happy Friday everyone!

Despite having no school this Monday or Tuesday we have had a crazy and adventure filled few days in P4/5.

On Wednesday the whole school got on buses and drove to Kelburn Country Park for a day of exploring, learning and storytelling!

“We went on the history trail and saw a beautiful waterfall!”- Zayd

“I went to the obstacle course with my brother and mum. I loved climbing the wall!”- Aliyan

“I went to the top of the north history trail and I rolled down the hill. I got soaked!”- Najib-Ullah

“We went to see the castle that was covered in graffiti! It was so colourful.”- Sorrelle

“We went on the adventure course and it was really fun!”- Tahira

After lunch we met up with Ben the Storyteller and went dragon hunt through the Secret Forest.

We went through a tunnel that was full of colourful lights that led us to a castle. In the castle Ben told us the story about Chestnut Pudding. We loved it!

At the end of the story we found a dragon egg that was lying in a well. It hatched and turned into a red, fiery baby dragon. The dragon told us to follow its dragon scale trail to find treasure. We found the dragon scales and followed the trail through the forest and through the crocodile swamp into a cave and finally to a witch’s house. Inside the witch’s house was a locked treasure chest. Rabab found the key and we got the treasure- it was chocolate coins and our very own story bags!

From now on we are using our story bags to keep items inside to help us to tell stories.

It rained all day but we had so much fun!

The next day back at school we used our story bags in the playground with our partners from P1/2. We found lots of things that could help us to tell a story. We found coal from the fire pit, snowdrops, a butterfly-shaped leaf, bluebells and spiky leaves. We can’t wait to tell those stories!

We have been reading more of our scary class novel “The Creakers”. As it is a scary story we used some of the author’s techniques to create our own Spooky Opening Paragraphs

Don’t forget to leave a comment!

Have a fun weekend

Miss Webster and P4/5 🙂

A Week in the Outdoors

Hi everyone!

This week Primary 4/5 have spent lots of their time outside in the sunshine!

We have worked everyday with our partners in Primary 1/2 on our Social Enterprise.

After learning the Little Red Hen off by heart we were set the challenge to create a new story map with our partners only changing the main character, what they find and the 3 friends who would not help.

“Me and my partner Muhammad came up with a story about a lion cub who went to the airport”- Umarah

“Lily and I made a story about a cat called Oreo finding coco beans to make chocolate”- Sorrelle

“Me and my partner Aimee made a story about a little girl who finds a broken paintbrush”- Tahira.

The next day we finished those stories and added actions to help us to remember them when we were telling them to an audience.

“Me and Haadiya would pat our chests for the bit in our story about the hairy gorilla”- Neha

“We would push our hands apart when the story was set in the morning” -Ahsan

We then shared those stories around the fire pit to the rest of the group.

“Having the story map in front of me made it easier to remember all the bits”- Mansoor.

“Me and my partner told a story about a slippery penguin.”-Amaya

“I made up an action for the end of every story. You close your book!”-Rayan.

On the final day with Primary 1/2 we were introduced to a new way of writing stories: a story mountain.

“a story mountain has 6 steps and you write certain words at certain points in the story such as One day…, After that…. and Unfortunately”- Hamza

“The word unfortunately is at the top of the mountain to show that something bad is going to happen”- Laiyba

“It means that everything goes downhill from that point”- Zayd

We used out 1 word each stories to create something new on our story mountain pictures.

We can’t wait to work more with P1/2 and create more amazing stories together!

We have started working with Ben the Storyteller. He came to our school and showed us how stories can come from anywhere and everywhere.

Ben made a fire and told stories around it.

“We sang a song at the start and end of the stories”- Mohammed

“We talked about a magic golden ball”- Ahsan

“Ben’s stories were spectacular”-Muhammad

“They were amazing!”- Kasim

After the story telling session Ben set us homework. He gave each of us a piece of coloured felt and we had to design a shape of what might be inside his magic story bag.

Finally, we went outside to create our own Creakers based on the description of them in our class novel.

We used sticks, rocks, bark, leaves, mud and water bottled found in the Enchanted Forest to create our masterpieces.

Our certificate winner this week was Ahsan for showing integrity. Well done Ahsan!

Please remember that there is no school next Monday and Tuesday and that when we come back on Wednesday we are all going on a school trip to Kelburn Country Park. Please bring a packed lunch and a raincoat in case it rains!

Have a lovely Bank Holiday!

Miss Webster and P4/5 🙂