It’s Friday!!!

Happy Friday everyone,

We have had a great week back at school.

In language, we have been writing instructions.

In maths, we have been learning about money. We loved playing the Toyshop game on Topmarks.

At assembly, Miss Brooks spoke to us about Global Warming. We were also shown a video about living in poverty.

Have a good weekend. Don’t forget to leave us a comment. We love reading them! 😀


Tuesday 26th September 2017

Hi everyone,

We are back at school after enjoying September weekend.

Firstly, we would like to thank everyone that came along to the school’s McMillian coffee morning. We raised a lot of money.  It was a fun and cake filled day.

The theme of the week is nurturing.

At assembly today,  we watched a video called “The wrong trainers”.  The story was about a boy and his siblings who were abandoned by their mum.

We went outside today for our gym time. We played football, basketball, tennis, cricket, hula hooping and hockey.


Parent open afternoon

Yesterday afternoon, St Albert’s Primary School had an open afternoon for parents.  Our parents were invited along so that we could share our outdoor learning. with them.

Primary 4/5 were set different measurement tasks to complete.

Here are some pictures of us working hard.


Hi everyone! 😀

In language  we were identifying nouns, verbs and adjectives in a reading passage.  We also learned how to recount the story of “The girl with the yellow bag”.

Our whole class novel is “The magic faraway tree”.

We could not go outside for gym this week as the weather has been horrible… so we did Just Dance in the classroom instead. We had lots of fun.


For Science,  Miss Brooks helped us learn about different groups of  animals and flowers.

Mr Orr and McCormack worked with our class on Wednesday afternoon.  During this lesson, the class had to come up with as many different feelings and emotions as we could. Here is what we came up with.

Yesterday, we had our Eid party.  We played some party games. There was lots of music which we enjoyed dancing to.  We were all given a party bag which has sweets, crisps, chocolate and juice in it.

At assembly today, the school were given a trophy for our outstanding work in helping clean up graffiti in our local area.

Week beginning 28th August

Last week, Primary 4/5 were revising the four operations in maths.

In language, we wrote instructions on how to make a salad.

The class also made Eid decorations.






The theme of the week is SHANARRI (Safe).  At assembly today, we were shown how to ride a bike safely and we were told about the dangers of electricity.