All posts by Dunnet

Outdoor learning

On Friday P3 enjoyed some fun learning in the school grounds. Some children were risk assessing and  litter picking to make the area safe. Others were working together to make ‘cakes’ and ‘soup’ in the mud kitchen.  There was even time to unfold the tarpaulin and roll down the hill. They showed great team work and problem solving when they were setting up the tarpaulin to ensure it stayed in place safely.

P3 are continuing to develop their knowledge of sorting in numeracy. This activity allowed the children to sort various items into whichever order they liked. They then had to talk about why they had chosen that particular order. A fun way of learning and talking!

Wednesday 23.08.17

Primary 3 enjoyed learning a new song during their music lesson.  Here are some photos of their silly faces warming up.


The children enjoyed some time outdoors as it was such a lovely day.  Hussain picked a flower for his teacher.