
Today P3 made a road for the Bee-bots and planned the route they would take. They had to work together to count how many moves and which direction they took at each stage. Not every group managed to get round the route due to problems with communicating instructions. This showed everyone how important it is to work together…it also gave everyone a little laugh as the Bee-bots went off road.

Times table help

Please click the following link to help your child with the times tables.  They have used this in class and know what to do.


Digital Week

This week our focus is Digital Learning .  We use digital resources in a lot of our learning and especially enjoy using the I-pads. Here are some photographs of our digital learning so far.

During International Education we used the I-pads to research Scotland and send the information to our twin school in Serbia.
We looked up a recipe to make truffles. They didn’t taste as good as they looked!

We enjoy using the smart- board for numeracy challenges. This picture shows how drawing groups helps us work out times table answers.

We made a power point about Scotland to send to our twin school in Serbia.
We are investigating Bee-bots.
We used the computer to put on Just Dance during choosing time.