All posts by Dunnet

International Women’s Day!

We have been looking at inspirational women from the past.  We decided to choose an inspirational woman from our own lives to draw and discuss.  Here are some photos of our lovely paintings.

My aunt looks after 7 children!
My mum cares for me!
My granny cares for me
I chose myself because I look after people in the playground and people in my family.
My mum is the best woman I have ever met
My helps me
My mum is helpful

Mrs Dunnet is kind
Mum helps when I am hurt
My sister never cries

New challenge – oi words

Hello P3

This afternoon’s challenge is to find objects with our sound of the week. We practised some oi spelling words at the beginning of the week.

I’d like you to find some oi objects, and describe them using an adjective. I found some shiny, silver  foil.

Leave me a picture or a comment to let me know what you have found.




Thursday challenge

Good morning P3,

I hope you are enjoying your snow day. I have set a challenge for you on Twitter. I built a snowman and used healthy fruit and veg to decorate it – just in case any animals come along for a snack. My snowman measured 70cm tall. I challenge you to make one taller. After that I would like you to write the instructions for building a snowman, snowwoman or snow animal. Use your imagination to build something magnificent. Have a lovely day with your family and friends.

And watch out for any animals eating the food from your design.

Stay safe, love from Mrs Dunnet x


Our week…

creating spelling words with a jigsaw game
creating spelling words with a jigsaw game



creating spelling words with a jigsaw game

This week as part of our migration topic, we created bird feeders to put in our school garden.  We then wrote instructions for P2/3 to use.

We have been using games to help with our spelling strategies and we have also been learning about adverbs to make our writing more interesting.


Our Week

This week we have been learning about :

  • Ceilidh dancing
  • times tables games
  • migration
  • comprehension – this is when we show that we understand what we read or watch
  • money bingo
  • forgiveness
  • using number lines to help us answer sums
  • Serbia


Reported by Adam Nawaz


Robert Burns
Burns Day treat

Enjoying our Burns Day treats

Chocolate Truffles

Today we researched how to make chocolate truffles.  First we used Google to find a recipe, then we looked for ingredients online to see how much it would cost.

We followed the recipe and worked together to make the truffles.