St Albert's Family Learning

Just another – Glasgow site

September 27, 2021
by gw13kellykatherin@glow

Maths Week Session for Parents/Carers

This week is we will focus on maths activities and learning.

You are invited to come along to an informal maths session on Friday 1st October at 2.15pm. 

We will share the highlights of your child’s learning over the week and Mrs Rodger will introduce you to some new maths concepts and how you can help your child at home.

More maths sessions for parents/carers will begin in term 2.

Hope to see you there.

Thank you


September 27, 2021
by gw13kellykatherin@glow

Outdoor Opportunities for Families

At St Albert’s we are blessed with truly amazing outdoor spaces.  These natural areas are fast becoming essential areas for learning beyond the traditional classroom environment.  Research has proven that learning outdoors has many benefits including:

  • Improving focus and concentration levels
  • Developing awareness of environmental issues
  • Appreciation of natural spaces
  • Working as part of a team
  • Developing knowledge and understanding of risk and how to be safe

With these benefits in mind, St Albert’s are pioneering a new initiative to promote outdoor learning involving parents and families.  We would be delighted if you would like to work and play with your child/children outdoors in the beautiful surroundings of our school and local community.  Activities would include:

  • Shelter building
  • Natural art
  • The science of nature
  • Solving environmental problems
  • Fire building (including eating delicious toasted marshmallows!)

If you are interested or if you have any questions about this amazing opportunity please email me at the address below.

I look forward to seeing you and having loads of fun in the outdoors! We hope to begin these sessions after the October break, times would be arranged to suit.

Kind regards,

Mr Corrigan



September 20, 2021
by gw13kellykatherin@glow

Maths Week Scotland 27th September 2021

Dear Parents/Carers

Maths Week Scotland is back! During the week beginning 27th September we will be exploring how maths will help us to fight climate change and how we use maths in our daily lives. We would like the children to be aware that maths is all around us in our daily lives and in the jobs we do. This might include being a cashier, doing your daily shopping, ordering stock, accountancy, running your own business, engineering, architecture, health care, creating artwork, baking cakes…and loads more.

We need your help! Please can you spare some time to come and talk to a couple of classes about how you use maths in your job or daily life? It can be everything from the most basic maths to more complex concepts.

If you are able to help, please email me (Claire Rodger) on or phone the school and ask to speak to me.

Please see the maths week Scotland website for more information.


Many thanks


September 20, 2021
by gw13kellykatherin@glow

Macmillan coffee morning

Good morning!
We are so excited that we will host our coffee morning in person this year. Our P7’s have been busy preparing gift bags and collecting donations. A special thanks to Mrs Hanif for helping our kids collect donations from our local community.

We have lots of raffle prizes, gift bags & cakes for sale so if you can’t manage please send a £1 or so with your child.

Entry fee is £1, this includes tea & biscuits. Gift bags are £3 and our raffle is £1 a strip.

Please come along to support this cause on Thursday 23rd September @ 9.15am. Raffle will be drawn around 10.30am.

We are still looking for donations to fill our gift bags such candles, toiletries, make up etc. & also some cakes/biscuits for our stall. Please leave these in the box at front door. Thank you

Thank you so much for your support. Karen



September 9, 2021
by gw13kellykatherin@glow

Information for families

Good Morning!

  • Parent Council

Firstly I’d like to introduce Fauzia as our new Vice President for our Parent Council. Fauzia was a pupil at St Albert’s Primary and is very excited to be involved in creating new opportunities for our school community.

Carene will continue as President, Uzmah will share the Vice President position with Fauzia and Tayaba & Nasreen will continue as our treasurers.

We are delighted to welcome our new members and Carene will be in touch with you soon to arrange our first meeting.

  • Macmillan Coffee Morning

This year our coffee morning will take place on Thursday 24th September from 9.15 – 11am. Traditionally we sell surprise gift bags, raffle prizes and lots of cakes. This is an amazing event to catch up with friends and meet new people while raising money for an incredible charity.

We are looking for donations of raffles prizes, unwanted gifts for our gift bags such as toiletries, jewellery etc. and cakes/biscuits for our coffee. Please send these with your child, place in box at front door or speak to myself. Thank you so much for all your help!

Our P7’s will co ordinate & organise this event and we are also very grateful to our Parent Council who will run the tea/coffee stall.

  • Parent wellbeing toolkit course

Thank you to those who are involved. This course will begin online on Friday 10th September @ 10am. Please contact the office or myself if you wish to be involved.

  • School lunches

This is the link for our school lunch menu.

  • Playground Supervision

Reminder: The playground is supervised from 8.50am in the morning. The breakfast club is open from 8.10am if you wish to leave your child earlier.

  • Parent Meetings

Parent meetings will take place on Wednesday 6th October 5 – 7pm & Thursday 7th October 3.15 – 5pm. Please look out for a letter at the beginning of next week. Our Parent council are organising community groups/clubs to visit at those times to encourage our children to join clubs/sports after school. If you would like to advertise your club please let me know.

I’m hoping I’ve shared most of the information requested, I am usually available in the infant playground most mornings from 8.50am if you have any more questions. Thank you again for your continued support & I look forward to seeing you at our Macmillan Coffee Morning.

Thank you

Karen Kelly

September 2, 2021
by gw13kellykatherin@glow

Parent Council AGM TODAY

This meeting will now take place via zoom. All parents/carers are welcome to attend. There will be a re-election of chair persons today and a vote (if necessary) will be available via Menti this evening. All parents/carers are welcome to join the Parent Council. We meet once a month at a time convenient for all.

I am attaching our agenda as this is easier to share here.

Parent council meeting September 2021

Karen Kelly is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. You can still attend if you are not a PC member. Please register your interest in joining the PC with myself or at the office. If you wish to apply for one of the PC positions you MUST inform myself or office prior to meeting. Thank you

Topic: Parent Council AGM at 1.15 today.
Meeting ID: 233 383 3546
Passcode: 3VfWWN

August 30, 2021
by gw13kellykatherin@glow

Parent Council Annual General Meeting

We will hold our parent council general annual meeting on Thursday 2nd September at 1.30pm. Mrs Harker will share information about our school and our parent council members will speak as per agenda.

We are inviting new members to join the Parent council and we also require to elect new chair persons. Please have a look at the attached ppt to review Parent Council roles available. Please let the office know before Thursday if you wish to be a candidate. You will be required to speak at the meeting and votes will be cast.

All parents are welcome to attend the meeting for information, even if you don’t intend to join the parent council.

Annual General meeting parents

Thank you


August 26, 2021
by gw13kellykatherin@glow

Parent Wellbeing Toolkit Free Sessions

Good Morning!

We are delighted to have been approached by ParentNetworkScotland to begin courses for our families. We have worked with this group before and parents have really enjoyed and benefited from these free sessions.

The courses will be online and begin on Friday 3rd September 2021 10 – 11am. Please click on the link below (or copy & paste) for more information.

If you would like to join us please speak to myself or phone the office with your name & email address asap.

Thank you


August 25, 2021
by gw13kellykatherin@glow

PE timetable & Information

Good Morning!

I am attaching the PE timetable for you reference and reminding you of our strict uniform policy.

School jumpers will be delivered today and be ready to be distributed as instructed by office.

Children should be in full uniform. Black trousers/skirt, white shirt & tie, white/purple polo shirt with logo, purple jumper/cardigan with logo. PE kits should not be worn to school. Please ensure names are on clothing.

PE days – Please wear the polo shirt to school (no need for tie) and bring black joggers/leggings in bag to change. Soft shoes can be brought in bag too. Children may wish to leave their PE kit in school, please make sure their name is on belongings & in a bag. Older children may wish to bring a change of polo shirt for after gym.

Thank you for your support in keeping up our standards in uniform.


PE Timetable August 2021

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