Improving our school grounds

Primary 5 and 6 have been busy lately helping to improve our school grounds. We decided to move our wildflower patch from the position it has been in for years to grow it on fresh soil with more nutrients. We will add the compost we are making to the original site to add nutrients back into the soil there before we plant there again.

Primary 5 offered to help dig out the new wildflower patch from the grassy area in the Eco garden. First, they were given a Maths problem to solve. They had to work out how many granite edging stones we needed to go around the perimeter of the patch. They did this by measuring the edging stones and calculating their average length. Then they found the total perimeter of the patch they had measured out and worked out how many stones would be needed to fit that length. They quickly cut out the patch with the spades and laid the  stones around the edge of the patch to stop the grass from encroaching on it, then scattered wildflower seeds. We hope that this area will be a riot of colour this summer and swarming with pollinators.

The Eco Committee carried out an audit of our school grounds and found some ideas to improve the Senior playground. One thing they  found that we could do with, is  some more seating for lunch and break times. We were lucky because a building site just up the road from our school had just cut down some trees that were dying. The men on site did us a great favour and provided us with two large tree trunks for the pupils to sit on. These will be rolled into position soon and the children can sit on them.

Primary 5 and 6 have also been helping to paint some large cable spools that Mrs Rooney got for our senior playground, to serve as tables and chairs so the pupils would have more tables and chairs to eat their packed lunches at.



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