Monthly Archives: December 2021

Recycle to Read at St. Albert’s Primary

Our school is taking part in the Recycle to Read pilot run by EDF Energy’s The Pod website. Recycle to Read is a ground-breaking new Pod campaign that rewards schools for collecting unwanted plastic toys and tech for recycling/reuse, in exchange for books.

The campaign  helps children understand the benefits of reuse and recycling and the importance of responsible consumption and production to care for the environment. It helps to  reduce the quantity of plastic toys and tech placed in landfill, or being dumped or incinerated. It also assists  industry research to help make toys ‘recycle ready’ for more efficient processing as well as creating a circular economy for plastic toys and new recycling infrastructure.

We are looking for donations of old unwanted plastic toys (not electrical toys though) and working tech items to exchange for books for our children to add to class libraries. Even broken toys can be donated. We have two collection bins near the Eco Notice Board in the school hall where you can deposit toys and working tech items. When these are full, we can arrange for them to be uplifted and the school will receive recycling reward points depending on the value of the items collected. An item worth £1 = 1 reward point.  These points can then be swapped for a credit voucher code to buy books on the Collins website.

The file attached gives more information on the types of items that can be donated. Click on the link to open it. Please have a look at home and see what you could donate to help us get free books for our pupils.

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