A Picture Paints a Thousand Words

Images from South East Asia

There are 35 images to choose from on this page. Choose 1 image a day and then choose 1 Task from Group 1 . If you fancy a Challenge Task give it a go and see how you get on. More Challenge Tasks will be added.  You can ask questions and leave replies or comments in the comment box.


Task 1 – Choose a picture Look at the picture and describe what you see. Think about using adjectives ( describing words) to describe all the things you see. Using 1 adjective is ok but you should try to use at least 2 for each noun.
EXAMPLE – He has long, grey hair and bright, green eyes.
Write, record or video your work.

Task 2 – Choose an image. Look at the picture and make up a story about the person, the people or the situation. You are a TV or RADIO REPORTER. It is your job to write a report to be read out LIVE! Remember to think about WHO? WHERE? WHAT? WHEN? WHY? Also think about why your story makes good news! You can write the story or record or video it on a device if you have one. If you prefer you can storyboard it.

Task3 – Choose an image. Look at where the image was taken. See if you can find it on a map. Then find out as much as you can about that place. How many people live there? What languages are spoken? What religions are practised? What are schools like? What main foods do people eat? What jobs do they do? You can find out much more than this! Show us in any way you can!

Task 4 – Choose a picture with more than one person in it. Write a fictional story describing the situation they are in and what happens next. Pretend you are the person who took picture so include yourself in the story by beginning with, “ When I took this picture we were……”. Your story can be a simple one but try to make something important change. NO SUPERHEROS PLEASE! Write or record your work in any way you can.

Task 5 – Choose an image with 1 person in it. Pretend you know this person very well all your life. Now give us a full description of this person’s personality. Think about how they talk, what they say, how they behave, how they react to things and people. Now talk about how they changed because of something that happened. For Example – Moving House, New School, Write or record it any way you can.


Challenge Task A – Count the total number of people in the 35 images. Then count the amount of animals, children, men and women. Create a graph or chart of your choice to show all this information.

Challenge Task B – Look at every picture and make a list of all the place names in alphabetical order. Then try and find out where these places are. Then list the countries in order of highest population. For example List 1 – Abadan Basra Islamabad THEN
List 2 UK 60 million, Latvia 20 million, Luxembourg 6 million. Show us in any way you can.

Challenge task C – These are scenes from different parts of Asia. You live in Europe. Compare Pakistan, India, Iraq or Afghanistan to Scotland. List Populations, Land Area, Countries on border, Compare Temperatures in summer and winter, Major Cities. Now compare Asia to Europe. How many countries? Total Populations? Total Land Area?
List or show these comparisons in any way you choose.

Challenge Task D – There are a few street images. Choose 1 of these then look out you own window and note what you can see. How is it different to the picture you chose. If you can, do a sketch of what your street looks like. Take some pictures of your own if you can.

Challenge Task E – Watch a News programme on TV. Take a note of the order of the news items and which country the story is from. Also, measure how much time is given to each item. If you can record the programme you should.



Mazar-e Sharif
Pol – e Komri
Sri Lanka
Tonle Sap


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