Mobile Phone Policy

    • Communication with home is welcome
    • If a pupil has any problems on the trip they must report to a member of staff first, then staff will communicate with parents / carers
    • There have been issues in the past of pupils contacting home whilst tired and unnecessarily worrying parents / carers
    • Also had issues with false rumours filtering home from trips via social media
    • Pupils are allowed to take their mobile phones on the mountain with them at their own risk
    • Phones must NOT be used during the ski lessons and attention needs to be paid to the instructor and the individuals safety
    • Pictures are allowed to be taken, but please ensure that parties consent to being included in the pictures
    • If posting to social media, then again all parties involved must consent to their picture being shared
    • If staff believe that a mobile device is being misused than pupils will be asked to handover their device to staff
    • When in the company of others it is polite and respectful to keep your phone away and enjoy the company you are currently with. If we see pupils dissapearing into their phones and not socialising with the group then this will be addressed.
    • Phones can be used to take pictures at meal times, but pupils should not be using social media during meal times.