Frequently Asked Questions

What is the name of the tour operator? Halbury Travel. You can have a look at their website.

What ski area in Italy are the group visiting? Bardonecchia, site of the 2006 Winter Olympics

What is the name and contact information of the hotel? Hotel Villaggio Olimpico, Viale della Vittoria, 46, 10052 Bardonecchia TO, Italy

Skiing Activities

Are there any prerequisites for participating in skiing activities? Absolutely not. On our last trip, only one pupil had prior skiing experience. By the end of the week, several pupils were confidently attempting red runs.

Can we snowboard on the trip? Unfortunately, snowboarding is not an option for this trip. It tends to raise the trip’s cost and snowboarders can be more prone to injury. Progression on a snowboard also typically takes longer.

How much skiing will we be doing? We’ll engage in skiing activities for 5 hours a day, over 5 days. Alternative activities won’t be offered during these hours. Therefore, only pupils willing to participate in skiing should apply for the trip.

Is there an alternative to skiing available during the trip? No, there are no alternative daytime activities planned, and we anticipate that all students will participate in skiing each day. It’s essential for students to understand that committing to this trip means dedicating themselves to skiing for five hours daily over five days.

Can you bring your own ski equipment? Yes, although it’s not mandatory. If you have your own equipment, you’re welcome to bring it along. Otherwise the tour operator will sort us all out with rental equipment.

Can pupils pick their own ski groups? Initially, ski groups will be formed based on rooming preferences and ski experience. Throughout the first day, skiing abilities will be assessed to ensure appropriate grouping for optimised instructor support and individual progress.

Is there an option to rent ski clothing, and how does that process work? This is not something that is available. Staff at King’s Park are happy to support families in finding suitable clothing on a budget that suits the families.

What type of clothing and gear are recommended for the trip? We have created a page to inform you of the clothing that is needed for a ski trip. Please have a look at the Clothing page. If you have further questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

What safety measures are in place during skiing activities? Pupils will only ever be skiing in groups with their instructors. Pupils are not allowed to ski anywhere on their own. All staff on the trip are first aid trained. No one will be skiing off piste. Skiing will only take place if the conditions allow safe skiing.

Accommodation and Meals

What is the food like? The quality of food depends on the hotel, but here’s a typical example of what we’ve experienced on previous trips:

  • Breakfast (Cereal, Toast, Jams, Pastries, Fruit)
  • Lunch (Pizza, Pasta, Toasties, Burgers, Hotdogs)
  • Dinner (Soup course, Pasta Course, Meat Course, Sweet Course)

Does the hotel cater for dietary requirements? Yes, we ensure that dietary requirements are communicated to the tour provider closer to the trip date.

Can students bring snacks or additional food items with them? Yes. Many pupils may like to bring some oat/chocolate bars for their pockets while skiing to keep their energy levels up.

Can you pick who you share a room with? Within reason, roommates can be chosen. Rooms typically accommodate 3 to 4 pupils, and we’ll do our best to accommodate rooming preferences.

Behaviour and Safety

Can I bring a games console? While gaming consoles aren’t encouraged during the trip, we understand that some pupils may wish to bring small, handheld consoles for the journey. However, there use will be at the pupils’ own risk. We do not expect pupils to be gaming once we are in the hotel and pupils should be socialising with the group.

What behavioural expectations are set for students during the trip? Students are expected to adhere to high behavioural standards throughout the trip. Daily reminders of these expectations will be provided, and cooperation is essential for a safe and enjoyable experience.

What is the policy on alcohol and smoking during the trip? There is a zero tolerance on alcohol, smoking or vaping during the trip.

Free Time and Communication

Do we get any free ski time? No, for safety reasons and in adherence to insurance and risk assessment policies, pupils will always ski under the supervision of their designated ski instructor.

How much free time will students have and what are the rules during that time? Once returning to the hotel, pupils will have free time in their rooms until dinner. Pupils are expected to get changed out of their ski clothes, freshened up and ensure their room is in order during this time. Pupils may be given a small amount of free time in the town to allow them to explore shops. Staff will always be near by and pupils observed from afar.

How will communication be maintained during the trip? Regular updates will be provided on this website throughout the trip. In case of emergencies, staff will communicate through the school, which will also be in contact with parents as needed. We may setup a twitter or Instagram account closer to them time of the trip.

What is the policy on mobile phones, photography and social media during the trip? Pupils are allowed to bring mobile phones and take pictures throughout the trip, but they must ensure the permission of others before taking a picture of them. We also ask that pupils keep social media use to a minimum during the trip. No pictures should be put on social media without the permission of those in the picture. There has also been issues with bullying and false rumours being communicated with the wider school community via social media. This is something we are keen to avoid and this matter will be addressed with all attending the trip. Please refer to our mobile phone policy.

Payment and Cancellation

Is there financial assistance or fundraising options available for students who may need it? At the moment no, the school does not offer financial assistance to pay the trip. This can be looked at in a student by student basis and the school is happy to help parents source any financial assistance if it is available. In the past, an example of financial assistance that was offered was from a diabetes charity that helped fund a pupil who was diabetic. This will mostly need to be organised by families.

What happens if the group size changes? Will that affect the individual price?
We have a reserve list and we hope to fill any spaces with names from the reserve list. This means we hope to always have 40 pupils attending the trip. If the numbers do fall below 40, our budget can absorb a small dip but if numbers fall below 37 then a small supplement may need to be paid to cover the cost of the coach.

What is the refund policy if a student needs to cancel their participation? Although we hope that no one will drop out of the trip, we are aware that sometimes things come up. Families should notify the school ASAP and we will contact the ski company to inform them. The school will work with the ski company to retrieve as much of the payment as possible. Deposits are only refundable if we manage to find another pupil to fill the space, otherwise they are non refundable.

Are there any additional fees or expenses that may arise during the trip? Pupils may want money for drinks, snacks and souvenirs. Pupils should also have some money for dinners at service stations when we are travelling. Pupils will have to ensure that they have the appropriate clothing for the trip.

What currency is used in Italy and how should students handle expenses? Euros. Pupils may bring their own money if they wish. Pupils are not expected to bring too much money as there will not be many opportunities to spend. We are content with pupils managing their own money at their own risk. However, for families who prefer it, staff are also willing to hold the money of individual pupils and issue a designated amount each day.


Are there any cultural norms or guidelines that students should be aware of in Italy? Pupils will be taught the basics when it comes to communication and we expect all pupils to be polite to everyone we meet while on the trip.

How is medication handled during the trip, and should students bring a supply of their own prescriptions? This will be organised on an individual basis. If families trust their child to keep, store and take their medication when needed then we are happy for pupils to do so although staff will need to know about this arrangement. If families would prefer more assistance from staff, we are happy to store any medication and issue when needed.

Are there any restrictions on the size or weight of luggage? No. Due to travelling on the bus there is no weight limit. We ask that pupils do not bring an excessive amount of luggage as this will then make it more difficult for them to organise throughout the trip.

What kind of weather can be expected during the ski trip, and how should students prepare for varying conditions? We have our fingers crossed for snow and lots of it. We will be monitoring the weather forecast closely and pupils will only be allowed to ski if it is safe to do so. We recommend that pupils wear layers of technical clothing. This will allow them to adjust their clothing throughout the day if they are getting to hot or too cold. Despite the snow, it is surprisingly warm when skiing. We have created a page for families to reference when planning what clothing to do take. Please check the clothing page.

Is there a safe place to store valuables at the accommodation? Staff will be collecting passports from pupils. The passports and any money being held for pupils by staff, will be stored in the hotel safety box. Pupils will not have access to this or their own safety box so all valuables will need to be looked after by the individuals themselves.

If you have further questions please contact D Jack via email