Parental Information Evening – Deployment of iPads (S5/6)
A Parental Information Evening about the deployment of iPads for S5/6 pupils will take place in our school next Tuesday 24th September.
There is a choice of session from 5-6pm or 6-7pm.
It is essential that all parents of pupils in S5/6 attend with their daughter to sign vital paperwork before iPads can be deployed at the start of October.
Welcome to Our School
As Headteacher of Notre Dame High School, it is with great pleasure and privilege that I welcome you to our school website. Continue reading “Welcome to Our School”
Senior Phase – Family Learning event
We are excited to be hosting a Senior Phase Family Learning event where parents and carers can attend, gain more information about individual subjects and get a chance to meet the teachers of those subjects.
Please see the attached form and register your interest.
Parent Council Meeting – Minutes (02/09/19)
Please find attached below the Parent Council Meeting minutes for 02/09/19.
Word & PDF versions available
Parent Council Minute 2.9.19 (Word Version)
Parent Council Minute 2.9.19 (PDF Version)
Pupil iPad Information Evening
All S1 parents are invited to attend our Pupil iPad Information Evening this Thursday 22nd August from 6.30p.m.-7.30p.m.
At this event the deployment of your daughter’s iPad will be fully explained. You will also be asked to sign key parental agreement documentation which must be completed prior to your daughter receiving her iPad.
If your daughter is in S2-4 and you missed this event before the summer you are also welcome to attend.
Notre Dame High School – Open Evening 2019
The Notre Dame High School open evening is Thursday 5th September 2019, 6:45 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Flyer download available here – Open Evening Flyer 19.
Consultation on School Term Dates 2020/21 and 2021/22
The current pattern of school term dates, holidays and In Service days is set until July 2020.
Glasgow City Council has developed a proposed calendar for the following two years and wants to hear the views of parents, carers, pupils, staff and the wider public before the dates are finalised.
The consultation will be open until 8 September 2019, thereafter, responses will be considered before finalising any dates.
The proposed school term dates and details of the consultation can be found here.
Summer Newsletter 2019
Please find below our Summer Newsletter for 2019. Click on the link or the preview picture to open a new tab with the newsletter.
Opportunity for S4/5/6 in Law, Accountancy or Business.
Social Mobility Business Partnership. SMBP.
Ms McGroarty would like to make any S4/5/6 pupils aware of an opportunity in Law, Accountancy or Business. Details below:
Social Mobility Business Partnership
Expressive Arts – Summer Showcase
Summer Showcase – Mon 17th June (7pm start)
Expressive Arts Faculty are putting on a summer show, from drama talents to musical gifts.
Doors open at 6.30pm
No ticket required, but donations are gratefully received at the start of the show.
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
Mrs Lindsey Millar
Activities Day – Thursday 20th June
The PDF below has all of the information regarding the upcoming Activities Day on 20th June 2019.
Please ensure that you follow the instructions in each event and sign up with the appropriate group leader.
Activities Day – Information (PDF)
Below is a picture of the Group Leaders for each event.
Expressive Arts – Summer Showcase
Expressive Arts – Summer Showcase -Monday 17th June @ 7pm
Pupils from both Drama and Music, will showcase their gifts and talents to you all on Monday 17th June, in the school, starting at 7pm. There will be; singing, orchestral music, solos/duets and drama performances, to name a few.
Doors open at 6.30pm. ‘First come, first served’, for a seat at the tables, with yummy treats. No ticket required, but opportunity at the end to leave a donation. Looking forward to seeing you all there.
Mrs Lindsey Millar
Teen Triple P Parenting Support
New S5/S6 Return to school Monday 3rd June
All new S5/6 pupils are to return to school on Monday 3rd June following the completion of the SQA exams. All girls should report to the assembly hall at 8.50am, where new timetables will be issued.
Working With the City – Partners’ Newsletter
Please find a newsletter from the working with the city partnership in Glasgow City Council below.
There is a large variety of information available about Glasgow City Council partners and the important work they do:
Practical advice and support for parents and pupils
With the upcoming SQA exams, this is a stressful time for all involved please see the link below for any advice and support in the upcoming months.
Parental Involvement and Engagement Census (PIE) – Secondary Schools
Parents and carers are by far the most important influence on children’s lives. Research shows that when parents are involved in their child’s learning, children do better at school and throughout their lives. Glasgow City Council would like to get an idea of how you feel about your child’s school and to give you a chance to reflect on the partnerships you are experiencing.
Please click the link below to see the survey:
Senior School Pathways
Click on the link outlining NDHS pathways through school with some examples of student profiles from this year.
Consultation – Abbreviated Response
Glasgow City Council has produced an abbreviated response letter that anyone who wishes to make their views known, can complete the form below. Please follow the instructions at the end of the letter.
SCES Parents’ Newsletter – April 2019
Please find the SCES Parent’s Newsletter – April 2019 below:
If displayed text is small, please use the zoom feature on your web browser or mobile device.
Parent Council Minutes
The minutes for the Parent Council Meeting (25 Mar 2018) can be found here:
Parent Council Minute 25th March 2019
In addition, if you would like to contact the Parent Council please use the contact form located here:
Former Pupils Response to Consultation
Are you a former pupil of Notre Dame High School?
The Parent Council urge you to respond to the survey on the future entry requirements for our school.
The survey link can be found here:
Important Notice from Headteacher
Consultation on proposed changes to entrance criteria for Notre Dame High School
As Headteacher, I would like you to be aware of the live consultation in relation to Notre Dame High School.
The local authority are currently seeking views from all interested parties on future entrance criteria for our school and I would encourage you to express your opinion on the following proposals;
Option 1 – No change. Notre Dame High remains girls only with two associated primary schools, St Ninian’s and Notre Dame Primary.
Option 2 – Notre Dame High remains girls only with an extended and altered catchment area to include Notre Dame, St. Patrick’s Primary, St. Joseph’s Primary and St. Charles’ Primary.
Option 3 – Notre Dame High changes to co-educational with a catchment area to include Notre Dame Primary, St Patrick’s Primary and St. Joseph’s Primary.
Below, you will find the link to both the full consultation paper and the associated survey:
Consultation – Entry Criteria for Notre Dame High
I have arranged a number of dates where the consultation paper and survey link will be available in school for anyone who requires support or access to the online survey. These are;
Monday 25 March – 3.35 p.m.– 6 p.m.
Tuesday 16 April – 3.00 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Thursday 18 April – all day
Should you require support and these dates are not suitable, please contact me at the school and I will be happy to arrange something more convenient.
You should also be aware of three public meetings which have been planned, allowing all interested parties the opportunity to listen, to express their views and hear the opinion of others. These are listed below;
Tuesday 16 April              Notre Dame High School, 7 p.m.
Thursday 25 April            St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary, 7 p.m.
Tuesday 7 May                 St. Roch’s Secondary, 7 p.m.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the school.
Glasgow City Council – Consultation
Glasgow City Council’s consultation to decide future entry requirements for our High School is underway. You have until Friday 24 May 2019 to make your voice heard.
Please add comments or recommendations alongside the option you select:
1) Status quo – keep the school as it is with the same catchment area
2) Status quo and extended catchment – increase the number of associated schools – allowing more girls direct access to the school
3) Change the school to a co-education offer – allowing boys, potentially as early as 2020.
Notre Dame High School Parent Council’s preferred option is number 2, with the added comment that St Ninian’s Primary should stay within the revised catchment.
That position is based on the fact that over 95% of our parents and carers have already expressed their clear wish for our school to remain all-girls. In a questionnaire distributed last year, you also told us that you would agree with extending the catchment area to allow more girls to access its inclusive and inspiring educational benefits.
Make your voice heard here:Â
Latest News
Notre Dame High is positively contributing to raising attainment levels. It is offering educational choice for our families alongside combatting poverty in Glasgow.
Parent Council letter issued to all parents and carers on Monday 18 March can also be found here:
Parent Council letter in Urdu can be found here:
Autism Awareness Week – Night Walk
Autism Awareness Week is 1-7 April and the National Autistic Society is organising a sponsored walk across 5 locations in the UK (including Glasgow).
Please see the National Autistic Society’s page below to see more details and for registration.
iPad Parent and Pupil Agreement Events S1-S3
Last night we welcomed parents and S1 pupils to our school to begin the process of digitising learning and teaching through the use of iPads. Thank you to all who came along. A reminder that there are two further evenings for parents and pupils in S2 on Monday 11th March and S3 on Thursday 14th March beginning at 6.30pm.
Please feel free to attend an evening that suits you best to sign our parental agreement.
NDHS Handbook
Our updated handbook is available on the right hand sidebar. Please also find a link below.
Education Scotland – News for Parents and Carers
Boosting a young person’s self-esteem at different ages
As we come to the end of Children’s Mental Health Week, raising self-esteem is such an important part of a young persons’ life. We hope this article is useful for any advice in boosting self-esteem.
Boosting a young person’s self-esteem