Consultation on School Term Dates 2020/21 and 2021/22

The current pattern of school term dates, holidays and In Service days is set until July 2020.


Glasgow City Council has developed a proposed calendar for the following two years and wants to hear the views of parents, carers, pupils, staff and the wider public before the dates are finalised.


The consultation will be open until 8 September 2019, thereafter, responses will be considered before finalising any dates.


The proposed school term dates and details of the consultation can be found here.

Notre Dame Christmas Concert!

As ever, Notre Dame is hosting a Christmas Concert. Please see details below:

Christmas Concert is Tuesday 4th December, (7pm) 2018.

Tickets will be on sale this week and next, lunchtime in the school foyer (£4 adult & £2 concession or £10 2 adult & 2 child). Tickets will also be sold on the night.

Please purchase soon as spaces at tables go quickly! Looking forward to spreading the Christmas joy with you all.

Parents’ Evenings 2017/18

Parents’ Evenings for the 2017/18 session:

S1 – Thursday 5th October 2017

S2 – Tuesday 20th February 2018

S3 – Thursday 25th January 2018

S4 – Thursday 9th November 2017

S5 and S6 – Tuesday 21st November 2017

Appointment sheets will be issued nearer the time. If you are unable to attend, please contact your daughter’s Pastoral Care teacher.

Consultation on School Holidays – 2018-2020

Glasgow City Council have asked that the following information be shared with parents/carers.

Dear Parents,

The current pattern of school term dates, holidays and In Service days is set until July 2018.

Glasgow City Council has developed a draft calendar for the following two years and wants to hear the views of parents, carers, pupils, staff and the wider public before the dates are finalised. Continue reading “Consultation on School Holidays – 2018-2020”

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday occurs on Wednesday 1st March 2017. Services will take place in school at the following times:

1.30 pm – S5/6

1.55 pm – S3/4

2.20 pm – S1/2

Parents, carers and members of the local community are welcome to join us.

Here is a link to a brief video explaining the ‘what and why’ of Ash Wednesday and Lent, from the history of wearing ashes dating back to the Old Testament, to the practices of Catholics and Christians during Lent (from the editors at and via SCES).

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