KSS Humanities and Citizenship

Faculty "vision" …

Councillor Paul Carey’s Visit


“In February of this year my Higher modern studies class was visited by a local Labour councillor. His name was Paul Carey and so on that day I went down to the school office and brought him to my modern studies class. When we had arrived he began to tell us a bit abo him and about his work. Once he had finished fellow class members and I asked him many questions such as “what is the hardest part of your job”, “what do you enjoy the most about your job” and “what do you think of the Labour Party”. All of his answers were very interesting and useful for me and my class as he was giving us first-hand information that was very memorable. His information also gave us a better understanding of what life is like for a councillor, the work that he does and how truly difficult the job truly is just to help improve the local area and community. Thanks to his visit me and my class have learned a lot about our local councillors and when the time comes for us to vote we will have a better understanding of what to do and how voting for a councillor can help out our community.” Ross Travers, S5


“It was interesting to know how hard his job was. He wanted to change stuff, housing etc, by taking down high-rise flats, but this was out-with his control. It’s better to learn from people themselves rather than a textbook because he has more experience of every day things and he made us understand what work a councillor does. He was very nice, it was good that he answered everyone’s question as best as he could and we now know what to do or who to go to if we have a problem with something in our local area.” Aliza Ehsan, S4




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