Tracking Health and Wellbeing

Tracking and monitoring Health and Wellbeing Levels is very important to ensure we can make early interventions to support our young people.  To ensure we capture all aspects of a young person’s Health and Wellbeing we have two tracking systems in place.

Tracking System 1 is focussed on mental, social and emotional wellbeing.  It uses the Shanarri indicators to ensure we are getting it right for every child.

Tracking System 2 is designed to track a young person’s physical and academic progress with regards to the Health and Wellbeing experiences and outcomes.  In PE, PSE and HE pupils are graded as levels 2, 3 or 4 based on the benchmarks and outcomes (from Education Scotland) of each subject area.  An average of these three grades is then calculated to give an overall impression of a young persons wellbeing level.  This system helps to plan next steps in learning to ensure young people achieve their full potential.

Achieved Level 2 = averaging tracking level 3 progress rating 3 or 4

Achieved Level 3 = averaging tracking level 3 progress rating 1 or 2 or tracking level 4 progress rating 3 or 4.

Achieved Level 4 = averaging tracking level 4 progress rating 1 or 2.

Both of our tracking systems come together to make up our Health and Wellbeing pupil profile booklet which is completed during PSE lessons by all of our young people in S1 – S3.

HWB Pupil Profile


Our H&W tracking data is discussed at our Principal Teacher and Depute Head teacher monthly meetings.  This allows us to compare data, look for trends and ensure we are able to put interventions in place to support our young people with their learning.

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