Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) is the national approach to improving the wellbeing of children and young people.
Through policy and the delivery of services at both national and local level, the GIRFEC approach:
- puts the best interests of the child at the heart of decision making
- takes a holistic approach to the wellbeing of a child
- works with children, young people and their families on ways to improve wellbeing
- advocates preventative work and early intervention to support children, young people and their families
- believes professionals must work together in the best interests of the child.
The wellbeing indicators (SHANARRI) were created to define wellbeing in order to meet the requirements of GIRFEC and Curriculum for Excellence.
The Shanarri Wheel also takes into consideration the rights of the child under the UN convention 1989. At King’s Park Secondary we have achieved our Rights Respecting School status which is an award that reflects our commitment towards ensuring children’s rights are respected. Below is a visual representation of where the rights fit inside the Shanarri Wheel as well as a link to the UN summary of the rights of every child.
All departments in King’s Park Secondary contribute towards ‘ Getting It Right For Every Pupil’ through the wellbeing indicators. Below is some examples of how our Health and Wellbeing quartet (PE, HE, PSE and ART) contribute to the seven wellbeing indicators. If you click on the word document below you can view the responses more clearly.
At King’s Park we build strong relationships between young people in many ways. A particularly effective strategy is our residential trips. In S1 and S6 young people go to Auchengillan Outdoor Centre where they take part in numerous fun team building activities.
Summer Fair
Our annual Summer Fair is an excellent way of making all of our local and school community feel included. We set up numerous stalls on the day and there is plenty of opportunities to win prizes and have lots of fun. Our pizza and cake stalls will ensure you do not go home hungry.
First Aid
To ensure young people are safe, healthy and nurtured we have a number of staff trained in emergency first aid and mental first aid. Young people also have the opportunity to learn about and practice emergency first aid using resuscitation dolls in the BGE through our core PE programme.
Intervention Groups
In King’s Park Secondary we run a number of intervention Groups in order to support individual groups of pupils in specific areas. This is all part of getting it right for every child. Below is a list of some of the groups we have at the moment in BGE. Some of these groups continue into the senior phase in which we have numerous other supports including things like supported study, late night study sessions in the library, mentor groups and buddying.
Name of Intervention
Football Group
Early and Effective Intervention
S1 Literacy
S2 Literacy
S3 Literacy
S1 Numeracy
S2 Numeracy
S3 Numeracy
Seasons for Growth
1:1 Support FARE (Nick)
1:1 Support FARE (Carly)
Getting Started (for mainstream)
Integration Centre
1:1 EAL Support
S1 EAL Groupwork
S2 EAL Groupwork
S3 EAL Groupwork
Wellbeing EAL pupils
Literacy (small group- Rangers)
Yoga through MOOD
Behavior Card
Attendance Card
Bespoke timetable
Equestrian Therapy
Not Attending
S2 EAL Groupwork group 2
PSA support
S1 Nurture
Nurture LB
Group for trips LB
Parental Support/cooking
Decider Skills
LB Caseload
GDSS Spelling
S3 Wellbeing
S2 Wellbeing
Reading group
Clay Café
Towards Better futures
SLT Developing positive relationships
S3 Science
1:1 Literacy
Parental Workshop
Careers Intervention
Numeracy Groups
S1 Settling in Interview’s
These interviews are an excellent way to ensure young people have a timetabled formal opportunity to discuss how they are settling in and how we can help support them in school.