Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy
At King’s Park Secondary School, we recognise that all staff have a crucial role in the support and protection of young people, as well as the development of their wellbeing. All staff know that they are expected to identify and consider the young person’s needs and share information and concerns with other agencies to improve outcomes for the young person.
We strive to create and maintain a positive ethos and climate which actively promotes child welfare and a safe environment by:
- Ensuring as far as possible that the school environment is a positive, safe space for young people.
- Ensuring that young people are respected and listened to.
- Providing a point of support for young people (Principal Teacher of Pupil Support)
- Ensuring programmes of health and personal safety are central to the curriculum.
- Ensuring that staff are aware of child protection issues and procedures.
- Conducting open conversations inside and outside the classroom to help young people recognise potentially abusive behaviours, identify trusted adults who they can talk to and offer information about support services.
- Providing young people with opportunities to learn about sexual health and relationships through our Personal and Social Education (PSE) curriculum.
- Providing young people with opportunities to learn about drug and alcohol education, relationships, honour-based violence, FGM, e-technology, bullying through our PSE curriculum.
- Establishing and maintaining close working relationships with all other agencies to make sure that professionals collaborate effectively in protecting young people.
What do we mean by Child Protection & Safeguarding?
Child Protection is the process involved in consideration, assessment and planning of required action, together with the actions themselves, where there are concerns that a young person may be at risk of harm from abuse, neglect or exploitation.
Safeguarding is a much wider concept than child protection and refers to promoting the welfare of young people. It encompasses protecting from maltreatment, preventing impairment of their health or development, ensuring that they are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care, and taking action to enable all young people to have the best outcomes.
At King’s Park Secondary School, it is the responsibility of every member of staff, partner and visitor to help ensure all our young people are safe.
This includes:
- Protection from any form of abuse
- Spotting signs of poor wellbeing and neglect
If you have any concerns please report them to Mrs Preston, our Child Protection Coordinator immediately. If Mrs Preston is not available please contact Mrs Ayed.
Keeping Young People Safe
Please click on the link below to access our Keeping King’s Park Young People Safe bulletins. These bulletins have been created by pupils and staff at King’s Park to promote safeguarding and support young people to make good choices to keep themselves safe.