June 23, 2024
by Mrs Chalmers
We have been allocated some places at the Rangers Soccer Academy Summer Camps, thanks to our partners the Rangers Charity Foundation. The camps run each week in the holidays from 10am- 3pm at the complex next door to the school. Please ensure your child is committing to attend if you sign up, as at Easter we had a waiting list and some children didn’t attend.
Your child will be outside so must come dressed for the weather (sun cream/rain jacket)
Your child should be dropped off each morning and picked up by a responsible adult, other than P7 children who can attend themselves.
A packed lunch and water is required.
Please note you can select multiple weeks/ask to attend several weeks. You will be contacted by Wednesday to confirm if spaces have been allocated on the camp which will depend on demand.
Please list your child’s current year group for this session.
Contact telephone numbers will be pulled from the school Seemis system and shared with the Charity Foundation for emergency contact purposes.
Click the link below to register- the form will close on Tuesday night.