Ibrox Primary School

Winter Concert


Tomorrow is our WINTER CONCERT! We look forward to welcoming you to see our children from P1-P7 perform. The concert committee and Mrs Thomson have been working hard behind the scenes to get the concert ready.

Please note

  • A maximum of 2 people (adults/siblings) can attend per family
  • We will open the doors at 1:15pm with the concert beginning at 1:30pm (please don’t be late!)
  • We will let you in through the back doors (beside dinner hall) so please queue here after the children go back in at 1pm.
  • We will fill up the seating in our hall first and any additional people wishing to watch will be able to watch from our first floor balcony.
  • We will be taking a register for fire safety on arrival, please appreciate this takes time to mark off who is coming into the building.
  • Raffle tickets will be available to purchase after the performance at the back doors.
  • Tea and coffee will be available in Family Room after the concert and our pre loved shop will be open.

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