Ibrox Primary School

Blairvadach Meeting- Friday 25th August


I am looking to meet with all parents who have children in P7 and are considering going to Blairvadach on Friday this week, at 3pm in the hall. The meeting will be short and can be attended by parents with their children.

September is a wonderful time to visit Blairvadach, we went last year for a weekend in September, as the weather is much kinder than during the winter. The negative in going so soon is not having time to raise funds and having an expensive trip so close to the start of term.

I am aware that many families may find it hard to have funds together for September so am looking into the possibility of putting a payment plan in place to allow payments to be spread across 2023. Blairvadach is a wonderful experience and children do not need any additional items purchased to allow them to attend.

If anyone is unable to attend the meeting and wishes to discuss their child going to Blairvadach please get in touch with me.

Kind Regards

Mrs Chalmers

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