We hope you enjoy this Autumn poem which was written by Primary 1c. Each child contributed a line to the poem after being inspired by our Autumn senses walk, Autumn art work and other exploration of the season.
Autumn by Primary 1c
Autumn is red
Autumn is gold
Autumn is falling
Autumn is cold
Autumn is bright
Autumn is windy
Autumn is green
Autumn is gold
Autumn is crunchy
Autumn is nice
Autumn is fun
Autumn is orange
Autumn is yellow
Autumn is sunny
Autumn is beautiful.
We could not be prouder of our Primary 7 poets. Here is the winning entry, enjoy! Glasgow Smiles Glasgow oh Glasgow what a welcoming place Come to us for a warm embrace Sectarianism gone, we’ve moved on We’re united … Continue reading →
Primary 2c have been learning about poetry this term. They have been using adjectives and similes in their descriptive poems. They have been learning that poems have different styles and rhythms. Some children have chosen to use a rhyming technique … Continue reading →