Hillington Primary School


Our School – Headteacher’s Welcome

Welcome to Hillington Primary.

At Hillington Primary School we aim to provide a safe, happy environment in which everyone feels included, respected and motivated. We encourage positive working attitudes in all of our pupils while promoting respect and tolerance for the beliefs and opinions of others.

We nurture our young people to become Confident Individuals, Effective Contributors, Independent Learners and Responsible Citizens. Our children are valued and their strengths and achievements celebrated.

We are proud of the ethos of respect and care we have developed in partnership with children and their families and promote positive behaviour through shared values. Our values are Achieving, Nurturing, Healthy and Kind.

Our aims are to promote positive attitudes towards learning and behaviour. We want to further develop partnerships with parents and others. We encourage everyone to be the best that they can be.

At Hillington Primary our whole staff team are dedicated to supporting the needs of our children and ensuring that high quality learning and teaching supports the children in achieving their highest potential.

Children are consulted and are given opportunities to have a ‘pupil voice’. We have an active Pupil Council and Eco-committee who ensure that their opinions are considered and acted upon.  We have a committed and conscientious Parent Council who work together successfully to support the work of the school and we would welcome your involvement in their activities.

This handbook contains a range of information that I hope you find informative and helpful. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need to discuss any matters which may be of concern or interest to you.  Parents are always welcome as we value your interest and support.

We look forward to having you and your child work with us and hope that this will be the start of a strong partnership.

Please click on the link below to view our school handbook.

Hillington Handbook 2023-2024


Kind regards,

Jacqueline Gillies

Head Teacher


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