Hillington Primary School


WORLD BOOK DAY 2022 – Thursday 3rd March 2022

As part of our drive to promote pupil interest in reading, Hillington Primary will be celebrating WORLD BOOK day on Thursday the 3rd of March 2022.

On this special day, children who attend school can come dressed down (non-school uniform) or dressed up as their favourite character from a book using materials/clothing you already have available at home. Pupils will participate in lots of exciting activities within their classes. All pupils will receive a £1 book token which can be used to claim one of twelve free World Book Day Books. Alternatively the token can be used towards the  purchase of another book of their choosing.

Reading different books every day, in preparation for World Book Day would be a great activity to do together at home with you child. There is also an exciting’ Share A Story Corner’ World Book Day campaign for families to get everyone sharing stories from breakfast to bedtime in the lead up to World Book Day 2022. It is  never too early to read stories with your child and spending just ten minutes every day enjoying books together can make a BIG difference to their development. Sharing stories boosts creativity and imagination, improves wellbeing, is a positive experience for families and is great fun! For more information on this campaign and stories to share at home click on the link below –


Thank you in advance for your support. We wish you all an amazing World Book Day.

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