Hillington Primary School


Distance Learning

We hope you all enjoyed the holiday season, and are continuing to keep safe and well. As you know, Scotland is now in another lockdown, meaning that learning and teaching has moved to online for the next few weeks. We have been working hard to organise this. All pupils Teams on Microsoft Teams have been updated with information about distance learning. You will also find copies of each classes suggested learning timetable at the bottom of this message.

There is a lot of information to take in, which we know can be overwhelming, so please take some time to look over everything. This is all still new for everyone, so please don’t panic or worry unduly. We are not expecting you to replicate school at home. We understand that everyone’s circumstances are different and that is why learning timetables are a suggested timetable to help families plan their days. This week will involve us all finding our way, and getting into the swing of this way of working. Staff are still exploring ways to better deliver learning, and we appreciate that our families will be adapting to the situation as well. We fully understand the stresses that home learning can bring, so take things at your own pace. You are best placed to know what is right for your family’s circumstances. We will be looking closely at how things go this week and will consider making changes that may make things work for efficiently and effectively.

In order to access the variety of learning opportunities that will be on offer all pupils must log into Microsoft Teams. Guidance on logging in to Teams on different devices is available on our school YouTube channel. It is also important that Microsoft Wor, Excel and PowerPoint are all downloaded to your chosen device to allow pupils to access any files uploaded by their teacher. Word, Excel and PowerPoint is free for all of our children and can be accessed through their Glow. You will be able to download on up to 5 device free of charge.

If you have any questions or require any support please do not hesitate to contact us a the school. Thank you, as always, for your ongoing support of our school. Things may be a little challenging at the moment but with a little kindness, patience and understanding we can do this Team Hillington!

Learning Timetables

Circuit Break Weekly Timetable – Primary 1a

Circuit Break Weekly Timetable – Primary 1b

Circuit Break Weekly Timetable – Primary 2a

Circuit Break Weekly Timetable -Primary 2B

Circuit Break Weekly Timetable – Primary 3a

Circuit Break Weekly Timetable – Primary 3b

Circuit Break Weekly Timetable -Primary 4a

Circuit Break Weekly Timetable -Primary 5-4

Circuit Break Weekly Timetable – Primary 5a

Circuit Break Weekly Timetable -Primary 6a

Circuit Break Weekly Timetable -Primary 7-6

Circuit Break Weekly Timetable -Primary 7a

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