Hillington Primary School


Attendance and Late Coming

We have added a new section to our website about approach to managing pupil attendance and late coming. You will find this in the Our School section of the website. Below you will find the most recent information for families about the importance of attendance in school and being in school on time every day. 

Attendance at Hillington Primary 

Attending and taking part in learning – wherever learning takes place – is fundamental to making sure that our young people become successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens. Hillington Primary is committed to improving the life chances of all of our young people. For children and young people to succeed in education they need to attend school to access the learning and support that will help them to achieve and attain. 

When a pupils attendance level falls below 95% this becomes a concern for the school and as such we will invite you to meetings to discuss the best possible supports your family would benefit from to support your child to attend school.

Parent/Carer Responsibilities

As the parent/carer of the child you are legally responsible to provide an education for your child. If you have not engaged with the school to discuss and implement ways to support and improve your child’s attendance you will be invited to a Maximising Attendance Meeting at the school. We understand that there can be occasions when it can be difficult to ensure your child attends school regularly and there can be reasonable excuses as to why a child cannot attend school. There may be information that the school is not aware of that you could share.
It is in your interest to attend this meeting to explain the reasons for your child’s nonattendance and to discuss ways to support your child’s attendance at school. If you fail to attend this meeting or satisfy the school that there is a reasonable excuse for your child’s non-attendance at school, the school may issue you with an Attendance Order. The school Senior Leadership Team will decide if you have a reasonable excuse for your child not attending school.

For more information about Glasgow’s Positive Approach to the Promotion of Attendance please click on the link below to access the parent/carer information leaflet.

A Positive Approach to the Promotion of Attendance in Glasgow Schools



Late Coming 

As part of our monitoring of attendance and late -coming we will contact families whose children are late more than twice in one week to offer support and guidance. It is important that pupils arrive in school on time each day. The school day starts at 8.55am at Hillington Primary. They playground is supervised from 8.45am and breakfast club is open from 8am for families who wish to drop their children off earlier. 

Late Coming – The Facts

  • Late coming can affect achievement

  • Late coming disrupts lessons

  • Late coming can embarrass and/or upset your child

  • 5 minutes late every day adds up to 3 days of learning lost each year

  • 10 minutes adds up to 6 days of learning lost each year

  • 15 minutes adds up to 10 days of learning lost each year

  • 20 minutes adds up to 13 days of learning lost each year

  • 30 minutes adds up to 19 days of learning lost each year

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