Hillington Primary School


School Lunches & Breakfast Club

22/02 Current Menus for returning to school

Please note there is currently no breakfast club provision. We will update families if this changes. 

WEEK 1- 22/02 and 15/03

WEEK 2- 01/03 and 22/03

WEEK 3- 08/03 and 29/03

Breakfast club and school meals are now paid for online. You will have received a letter with a unique access code for your child (please contact the school office if you did not receive this letter.)

Payment is made via BACS transfer and can be done via online banking.

Breakfast Club costs £2 per day (with additional children from the same family charged at £1) our Breakfast Club opens at 8am every morning and children can have cereal, toast and fruit juice.

School Lunches are free for P1-4 and for those who have been awarded the School Clothing Grant/ Free School Meal entitlement. School Lunches cost £1.90 per day.

Payment should be made in advance and at least by the close of day on Friday for the following week. Payments should be made to –

Royal Bank of Scotland

Account- School Meals BACs Payments

Sort code: 83 44 00

Account Number: 10836470

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