Hillington Primary School


Primary 3a Home Learning Thursday 21st January – Mathematics

Thursday 21st January. 9.30-10.15


Data Handling

Good morning primary 3! We have made it to Thursday. You have been doing such an amazing job all week. Keep up the hard work.


To start off our maths session today we will do some mental maths. You can choose which of the 2 options below you would like to do. You could even do a bit of both if you would like.

Topmarks – Daily Ten (link below). You can choose the area of maths that you want to focus on from the options in the game. When you are in the game, select level 2 (this is the one we have been using in school) and then choose the type of sums you want to answer from the next columns.

Daily 10 – Mental Maths Challenge – Topmarks


Target Number – Select a target number. You should then see how many addition and subtraction sums you can think of that have the target number as their answer. For example: target – 65, 22 + 43 = 65 and 100 – 35 = 65. For an extra challenge in this task, try and think of sums that include multiplication to get your target number. For example: target – 65, 2 x 30 = 60 + 5 = 65.

Squares and Triangles

Once you have finished your mental maths, you should complete the task named “Handling Data Task”. Your instructions are included in the file.


Once you have finished your mental maths, you should complete the task named “Circles Handling Data Task”. The instructions are in the file.


The final maths task for today is to make a start on the Sumdog challenge that has been set for you. This will run until tomorrow afternoon.


Circles Handling Data Task


Handling Data Task

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