Good morning, P5! We are still working on area in maths. You are all doing extremely well and I’m very proud of you all.
Today, the Rubies and Sapphires will be learning how to calculate the area of a compound shape. The children in these groups should firstly watch the PowerPoint I have attached below, making sure to read the examples very carefully. Then, you should open up the file for your group. Use what you have learned in the PowerPoint to calculate the area of the compound shapes (make sure you split the shapes up first).
The Emeralds will be learning how to calculate the area of a shape, without any grid lines or squares. The children in these groups do not need to watch the PowerPoint today. Your task is below. Remember to multiply the length by the breadth to find the area.
Please work hard, try your best and if you have any questions, put them in the chat on Teams.
Rubies and Sapphires PowerPoint Compound Shapes Shape