Hillington Primary School


P1a Literacy – Wednesday 20th January

Wednesday 20th January 2021

Literacy Task – 11.10am- 12.10pm

In our Literacy Live lesson, we learned a new sound – z

Practice saying the new sound and doing the action for this sound – Put your arms out at the sides and pretend to be a bee and say ‘zzzzzzz’

Activity 1

Can you use objects around your house to make a giant Z on the floor? You could use shoes, building blocks or pencils. Remember to tidy it away when you are finished. You could take a picture of it to share to our ‘Class Chat’ team.

Activity 2

Ask an adult to draw 4 lines in your jotter. Write 5 ‘Z’ on the top line, 5 ‘z’ on the second line, then repeat for lines 3 and 4. Remember to use finger spaces between each letter. At that bottom of your page, draw 2 or 3 objects beginning with Z. Ask an adult for help to write the name beside each picture.

Activity 3

Read the story ‘Zac the Rat’ using the following link:



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