Hillington Primary School


P3b Wednesday 20th January – Numeracy

Wednesday 20th January – Numeracy

9.30am – 10.15am

Good Morning Primary 3!

Group 1: This morning for Maths I would like you to take some time to practise your times tables. So far in class we have covered the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables and it is so important that you are practising these every day! I have set you a Sumdog challenge focusing on these tables, you could also ask someone in your house to test you.

Today we are going to have a look at the 3 times table, please start by watching this video building the 3 times table on the counting stick like we do in class when we start to learn a new multiplication table:


After you have watched the video please have a go at textbook TJ1a p109 (TJ1a p109). In the PowerPoint (Multiplication stations 2,3,5,1) you will find a video which goes over the strategies to help you if you need it.


Group 2: Please complete the worksheet OH – Subtraction within 10 . There is a number line (0-20 Number Line – Numicon) attached to this post to help or you can use concrete materials like pasta or LEGO to help you.






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