Wednesday 20th January
Numeracy Task – 9.30-10.15am
15 minutes of Sumdog.
As explained in the Check In yesterday, get an adult to choose 5 consecutive numbers from your flashcards and lay them out on the table e.g. 4,5,6,7,8. Close your eyes and the adult will turn one of the numbers over. Tell them which number is missing and write all the numbers down in your jotter, underlining the one
that was missing. Repeat this so that you have between 6 and 10 sequences written down.
- Remember, if you find 1 number turned over too easy, get the adult to turn over 2, 3 or even 4 numbers at a time to make it harder.
Make another set of 0-10, 0-15 or 0-20 flashcards to go with the ones you already have and play Pairs. Mix all the cards up and put them face down on the table. Choose two cards, if the numbers are the same keep them and have another go. If not, put them back in the same place face down and give the next person a shot. Play until all the cards have been matched. The person with the most cards wins.