Monday 18th January 2021
Numeracy Task – 9.30-10.15am
Activity 1
This week we are participating in Glasgow’s Sumdog Maths Contest. Please log into sumdog for 15 minutes each day. The skills you will focus on will be skills chosen by sumdog for you to work on. Good luck in the contest!
Activity 2
We have been revising 3D shapes including, cubes, cuboids, cones, cylinders, spheres and square-based pyramids.
Using some 3D shape objects from around your house, build an object of your choice. This could be a robot, monster or rocket. You could use building blocks, boxes, tubes or tins. When you have finished making your design, tell an adult what 3D shapes you used and how many. Describe the shapes to an adult using the words ‘faces’, ‘corners’ and ‘edges’. If you are unable to build an object, you could try drawing one instead. Remember to talk about what 3D shapes you have used.
I look forward to hearing about your creative designs at our Live Check in later!