Monday 18th January 2021
Literacy Task – 11.10-12.10pm
Use objects you can find around the house to make a giant ‘y’ on a space on the floor. (Remember to tidy everything away neatly after you have done it!)
Get an adult to draw a large ‘y’ in your jotter. Use small objects to place on the letter just like we do at the big table in the classroom. You could use pennies, pasta, marbles, Lego blocks etc. Try this with a couple of different types of objects.
Get an adult to draw 4 lines in your jotter. Write 6 ‘Y’ on the top line, 6 ‘y’ on the second line, then repeat for lines 3 and 4. Remember to use finger spaces. Underneath, draw the 3 objects that were in my tub during the Live Lesson today. Write the word beside each one, ask an adult to help you with the spelling.
Today is National ‘Winnie the Pooh’ day. To celebrate, get someone to read you a Winnie the Pooh story, watch one on YouTube or draw your favourite character.